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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight168pp3ffff̙3f3ff3f3f33333f33333\`MLSU-BR  ;  ;  LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITYiANALYSIS E ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNEXPENDED PLANT FUND BALANCES ANALYSIS E Balance Allocations Expenditures PER SPRDSHTper PLANT REPORT State of Louisiana:" Facility Planning and Control - Child care center  Choppin hall annex7 Fire and emergency training institute renovations  Hodges hall renovations$ Journalism building renovations1 Lab school cafeteria and classroom additions- Louisiana transportation research center0 Music and dramatic arts building renovation Nicholson hall renovations0 Old plant stores renovation for engineering Student union renovations7 University recreational sports complex renovations Other -1 Governor's information technology initiative University Debt: Transfers from Other Funds: Unrestricted -) Assembly center facility maintenance Restricted - Athletic department -- Renovations# Assembly center improvements Field house improvements! Football operations center* Football practice field renovations Natatorium renovations Campus police - equipment- Campus wide ada accessibility compliance Child care center' Deferred maintenance of facilities# Electrical engineering roofing Emergency repairs# Himes hall basement renovation Pleasant hall renovation Residential life --! Tennis complex renovations Tiger stadium renovations Track renovation projects, Women's soccer facility improvements - Women's softball facility improvements% Campus card system date wiring Faculty club renovations Infrastructure review' Pentagon dining hall renovations Acadian hall Annie Boyd hall Broussard hall East campus apartments Evangeline hall Garig hall Herget hall Kirby Smith hall Maximo upgrade McVoy hall Miller hall West campus apartments Sea grant building Steam system repairs Student health center -- Equipment and furnishings Interior renovations University recreation -- Technology initiative 2000 bond issue - Kirby smith renovations Parking lots 2002 bond issue - Lab school renovations Residential college, University recreation activity fields 2004B bond issue - Blake hall renovations( University recreation renovations 2005 bond issue - Other Sources:* Assembly center pressure steam boiler Athletics capital outlay Boyd hall renovations* Fire and emergency training institute Golf course equipment' Laville honors college renovations+ Livingston parish land purchase (LIGO) Maintenance reserves - Child care center Parking structure project Residential life warehouse Soccer pavilion Internal Debt Service Reserves:# Kirby smith renovations - 2000" Lab school renovations - 2002 Parking lots - 2000 Residential college - 20021 University recreation activity fields - 2002 Total* Total Facility Planning and Control! Total State of Louisiana Total university debt Total other sources- Total internal debt service reserves University recreation# Laville cafeteria renovation Lakeshore house renovations$ Public safety building addition Grace King hall Memorial oak grove# Basketball practice facility$ Various apartment renovations Train depot demolition Equipment reserves -- Total unrestricted Total restricted+ Total transfers from other funds+ Mechanical engineering machine shop 1 Nuclear magnetic resonance service center ) SC&E field support service center " Telecommunications network + Telecommunications telephone switch  WBIAS service center  Alex Box stadium 2006 bond issue -0 Sea grant development building roof repairs) Electron microscope service center- Frey building service equipment upgrades Alex Box stadium" Assembly center renovation Parking garage Tiger gift center% Contracted Auxiliary Services -- Information system 2010$ Copy and mail center renovation8 Miscellaneous parking lot repairs and improvements+ Parking, traffic and transportation -- Highland hall 0 Cox center information technology equipment Student union renovation* Deposits - Facility Planning and Control:7 Total deposits - Facility Planning and Control6 Parking surface lots, geotech, traffic control, PBS histopathology lab service center" Physics shop service center* Administration building maintenance' Huey P. Long fieldhouse renovation Network 2010SFP2 Fire and emergency training institute reserve Union --, Parking lot at gourrier and nicholson$ Laville halls - east and west8 Various hall equipment, furniture and renovations4 Warehouse expansion equipment and furnishings Union renovation Union renovations Union renovation  Union - replace roof FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 2007 bond issue - Parking lots! Union theatre renovations Laville honors college% Athletic facility renovations) Blake hall equipment and furnishings Hatcher hall renovation* Emergency operations center equipment Capital outlay projects Pleasant hall renovations, Residential life - life safety upgrades Tiger stadium repairs0 University recreation technology initiative West campus apartments Pentagon renovation Assembly center renovations Powerhouse high voltage2 Veterinary teaching hospital service center4 Gene probes and expression lab service center" Facility services - equipment Kirby Smith renovations  Public safety - equipment Band tower Shop renovations" Tiger gift center equipment Classroom renovations Foster caf renovations6 Facility services computer equipment and software. Golf course maintenance shed improvements Blake hall Pentagon halls ! Thomas Boyd hall renovations4 Veterinary medicine animal facility replacement Blake hall replace roof Herget hall renovation Kirby Smith renovation" Landscaping services building Life sciences vivarium, Parking traffic and transportation lots Broussard hall renovation# Residential college renovation Business education complex+ Energy, coast and environment building Parking garage and lots Corporation canal enclosure* Residential life safety code upgrades Women's softball complex# Parking street closure program/ q0t12A3-4P5a77Q81 9 :" ;; <S =l>sC@cABCvE F0G_HlIJK/ccB  4SPbr"0  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M\\Tboyd9\STMT1ter W5300XX⤗Dell Laser Printer W5300Dell Laser Printer W53002Dell Laser Printer W5300PP-  /s9%A>⤗PX,X 2⤗"]XX??&U} /B} $ B} B} $ B} B} m B} B} $ B}  $ B} B} IB} B} $ B@ @@@       >>>>>>>>QRRRRRRS Z[[[[[[\TUUUUUUV Z]]]]]]^ Z[[[[[[\WXXXXXXY>>>>>>>>> C>>>>> C >~ H,@ @ D @ D @~ HY@ >C>C>C>C >  >>>>>>> >  >>>>>>> >~ N >~ N:@ >~ N:@ > N  LLL >~ >>~ >@>~ >@>>  >~ >>~ >0A>~ >0A>>  > ~ >>~ >=@>~ >=@>>  > ~ >>#>(A 0A~#>#>(A 0A~#>>  >~ >>~ >@@>~ >@@>>  >~ >>~ >HA>~ >HA>>  > ~ >>~ >@>~ >@>>  >~ >>~ >( A>~ >( A>>  >~ >>~ >@>~ >@>>  >~ >>~ >V22>~ >V22>>  >~ >>~ >@4@>~ >@4@>>  >~ >>~ >j_>~ >j_>>  >~ >>~ >0yA>~ >0yA>>  >~ >>~ >0A>~ >0A>>  >~ >>~ >s A>~ >s A>>  >~ >>~ >@>~ >@>>7  >~ >>~ >,,A>~ >,,A>>   >~ >>~ >P@>~ >P@>>  D l&&&&:`&&uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? >~ > >~ >h@ >~ >h@ > >! 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