ࡱ> ]_\ bjbjT~T~ =^668$7U(CCC"CCdCCCSȭfd%0U#0##H"@XlU# : REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY FIRE WATCH In the event that a required fire alarm/sprinkler system is determined to be not in proper working order for more than four (4) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period or is not installed, the following actions should be taken by the facility or the building should be vacated: 1. Notify L.S.U. Environmental Health and Safety Office, and all facility personnel, that the fire alarm/sprinkler system is not operational. 2. Establish a temporary fire watch by individuals* who are dedicated solely to fire watch duty. 3. Provide fire watch personnel with a means of identifying themselves as authorized representatives of the facility. 4. Each route to be covered by fire watch personnel should be designated by the facility. 5. The route should be explicitly defined to ensure that the fire watch personnel patrols the correct area. 6. The fire watch personnel assigned to each route should be provided with instructions, all details regarding the route, and the functions to be carried out in covering the route. 7. Fire watch personnel should make rounds at one (1) hour intervals. When operations in the property normally are suspended, officers should make rounds hourly. During the rounds, the fire watch personnel should make a thorough inspection of all buildings or spaces including concealed areas, such as attics, unoccupied storage areas, etc. Fire watch personnel should sign a log sheet maintained in the facility main office or other location approved by this office or fire department. Log sheet should state begin time and end time of each individual round. 8. Procedures should be established for orderly conduct of the operations at the property, including procedures for fire loss prevention both by employees of the property protected and by outside contractors, and the prompt reporting of any fires discovered by calling the public fire department and the fire brigade of the property (if available on the shift). 9. Each facility should establish programs for fire watch personnel to ensure they are familiar with the property being protected, including: (a) All buildings, occupancies, and hazards. (b) Fixed fire protection systems. (c) Manual and automatic detection and alarm systems. (d) Portable fire protection equipment. (e) Emergency shutdown procedures and equipment for which they are responsible. (f) The facility emergency action plan. 10. Each facility should ensure that fire watch personnel are familiar with the site-specific emergency plans for dealing with fires and other emergencies. 11. Each facility should ensure that fire watch personnel are familiar with the procedures to follow in the recognition and reporting of an emergency, including: (a) When and how to use radio equipment, telephone, and private or public alarm boxes to summon aid. (b) How to notify the fire brigade, the municipal fire department, and other emergency response organizations. (c) The personnel to be contacted. 12. Fire watch personnel should be provided with a means for continuous communication (i.e., two-way radio; walkie-talkies; etc.) with a constantly attended location such as the administrative office where a public address announcement can be made throughout all buildings in the event of an emergency.** 13. Each facility manager/administrator should ensure that: (a) Fire watch personnel are not permitted to change the time record charts. (b) The changing and review of time record charts is done by the manager/administrator or the manager/administrators responsible designee. (c) Time record charts of fire watch personnel are promptly reviewed. (d) Files are maintained for review by representatives of any authority having jurisdiction. (e) All irregularities are investigated, recorded, and corrective action is taken. 14. A continuously updated directory of names, telephone numbers, and other information to assist in making emergency calls should be kept at the facilities administrative office. This directory should include the telephone numbers of key facility personnel to be notified in an emergency, fire, police and emergency medical service departments, and other outside agencies needed in an emergency. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE DURATION OF THE TEMPORARY FIRE WATCH WILL BE DETERMINED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. *It should be the responsibility of management to ensure that fire watch personnel are capable of performing all functions of a fire watch as defined in this document. Note: Local ordinances may require the fire department having jurisdiction to conduct the fire watch; however, the fire watch guidelines, as stated in this document, should be implemented. **Buildings or areas of the building without public address systems, there should be a sufficient number of fire watch personnel to initiate evacuation procedures throughout the building in an orderly manner. 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