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Thus, the courses listed for tracking purposes in semesters 6 through 8 should be interpreted as strong recommendations only and not as mandatory. Consequently, students will NOT receive CATS holds for semester 6 through 8 courses. NOTE: (C) means a grade in the C range (C+, C, C-) or better is required. Questions may be directed to the College of Engineering at  HYPERLINK "mailto:engr@lsu.edu" engr@lsu.edu or 225-578-5731. TheComprehensive Academic Tracking System (CATS)is designed to help students reach academic success at LSU and make sure they are progressing toward graduation each semester. Each major has a Recommended Path, designed by the LSU departmental faculty, which is the optimal path for graduation in four years. CATS checks students progress each semester by tracking them on the critical requirements outlined in their Recommended Path and gives feedback when students are not meeting those requirements. CATS provides feedback on a students progress in a major, helping them to find the best academic path to complete their degree. By assessing students progress toward degree completion, CATS will identify those students who may be struggling. This affords the university the opportunity to provide additional counseling and advisement resources to assist students. Critical Tracking Requirements The critical tracking requirements have been identified by departmental advisors for each major. The criteria are specific performance measurements that have been singled out as mandatory for progression in that degree program. These are the requirements that students must meet to maintain minimum academic progress and continue progressing in their chosen major. Minimum Academic Progress Students must meet the critical tracking requirements within the Recommended Paths to demonstrate minimal progress toward degree completion. Critical tracking requirements typically include both critical courses and minimum GPA requirements. The critical requirements for a given semester are located at the top of a students recommended path. Additionally, all critical requirements are listed on the top line of each semester, and appear in bold throughout the Recommended Paths. Recommended Paths for all catalogs from 2013-14 on will be found within each departmental section of the online catalog. Recommended Paths for all catalogs beginning with the 2006-07 version up to the 2012-13 version can be found at HYPERLINK "http://cats.lsu.edu/degreepath" \t "_blank" cats.lsu.edu/degreepath. Students are encouraged to use these plans when scheduling courses in their chosen program of study. All full-time, incoming freshmen will be monitored to determine if they have met the critical tracking requirements for their chosen program, regardless of the number of hours earned through dual enrollment or credit by examination. Transfer students enrolling at the university with fewer than 70 credit hours earned will be tracked beginning with their second semester of enrollment. Students who are undecided about their major must follow the Recommend Path and critical tracking requirements established within one of three general areas of interest: Science and Engineering, Arts and Humanities, or Social Sciences. These students will be advised by the Center for Freshmen Year and are required to select a major before scheduling courses for their third semester. Assessments of Academic Progress Two assessments run during the semester to determine if students are making minimal academic progress in their degree programs. As a result of these assessments, students will receive a myLSU e-mail notification if they are not making minimal progress. This e-mail contains a link directing them to their myLSU desktop and the CATS Status Application (located under the Student Services tab). The two assessments that run are as follows: Mid-Semester Assessment This assessment occurs prior to course scheduling for the upcoming semester. It is run to determine if students are taking the critical courses required for the current semester. If critical requirements are not being met, a hold is placed on the students registration, preventing them from scheduling for the upcoming semester without first seeing their advisor. End of Semester Assessment This assessment occurs after final grades are submitted. It is run to check for all critical requirements, including grades in courses, a students GPA, and potentially, admission to a senior college. A hold is placed on the students registration if critical requirements have not been met. If the student has already scheduled for the next semester, he or she cannot make any changes to their schedule until they see an advisor. Additionally, students not meeting minimum GPA requirements are advised to seek guidance from the Center for Academic Success. Students Who Do Not Make Minimal Progress for Two Consecutive Semesters If a student is flagged for not making minimal progress in their major in two consecutive semesters, the student will have a hold placed on their registration,and the student is required to meet with an academic advisor to select a new major that is better aligned with the students interests and abilities.       :;<ӾpX?-#hSZhSZ5OJQJ^JmH sH 1hLhL56CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH .hLhL6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH "hwN CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hYBCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hLhpCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hLh.mCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hLhwN CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hLhuS5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hLh2v5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  ;<=>Two ) p@ P !dgd:% ) p@ P !pd^p`gd@% ) p@ P !pd^p`gd.f ) p@ P !dgd.f$a$gdSZ <=>RSTUWZ[cvwxy{ŵyobyQyGobyQyobyQyhwN OJQJ^J!h hwN 6H*OJQJ]^Jh hwN OJQJ^Jh1#OJQJ^Jh hwN 6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^Jh1#hwN 6OJQJ]^Jh1#hwN OJQJ\^Jhq[JhwN 5OJQJ\^Jh hwN 5OJQJ\^JhwN 5OJQJ\^J       ! + - < I J K M ٍ|nn^TJhCOJQJ^JhBu OJQJ^Jh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^Jh hwN 5OJQJ\^JhwN 5OJQJ\^J!h@hwN B*OJQJ^Jph!h hwN 6H*OJQJ]^Jh hwN 6OJQJ]^Jh hwN OJQJ^Jh1#OJQJ^J J g   7 T wwwww% ) p@ P !pd^p`gd1# ) p@ P !dgd1#% ) p@ P !pd^p`gd: ) p@ P !dgd: M W Y b g h j t پveWvGh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^Jh h1#6OJQJ]^Jh h1#5OJQJ\^Jh1#5OJQJ\^Jh1#B*OJQJ^JphhwN OJQJ^J!h hwN 6H*OJQJ]^Jh1#OJQJ^Jh hwN OJQJ^Jh hwN 6OJQJ]^J          ' 6 7 8 : F S T U i j ϾϾߴϾϾ죖yl\h hwN 6OJQJ]^JhBu 5OJQJ\^JhL5OJQJ\^Jh hwN 5OJQJ\^Jh x5OJQJ\^J!h h1#B*OJQJ^Jphhb(OJQJ^J!h h1#6H*OJQJ]^Jh h1#6OJQJ]^Jh h1#OJQJ^Jh1#OJQJ^JhBu OJQJ^JT U / P oI% ) p@ P !pd^p`gdu=% ) p@ P !pd^p`gd:% ) p@ P !pd^p`gdBu % ) p@ P !pd^p`gd1# ) p@ P !dgd:  - . / 0 2 ĺxnaaxnxaxnah hwN OJQJ^JhGOJQJ^JhBu OJQJ^J!h hwN 6H*OJQJ]^Jh hwN 6OJQJ]^Jh h1#OJQJ^JhpOJQJ^Jh1#OJQJ^Jh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^J$2 > N O P Q T g h i k n o w Ÿyk[N>-!h hBu 6H*OJQJ]^Jh hBu 6OJQJ]^Jh hBu OJQJ^Jh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^J!hq[JhBu 56OJQJ]^Jhq[JhBu 5OJQJ\^Jhu=5OJQJ\^JhSZ5OJQJ\^Jhu=hSZOJQJ^JhGOJQJ^JhBu OJQJ^JhBu 6OJQJ]^JP Q h  7 T ~ wwww% ) p@ P !pd^p`gdu= ) p@ P !dgdu=% ) p@ P !pd^p`gdBu  ) p@ P !dgdBu       # 6 滫|n^Thu=OJQJ^Jh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^J!hq[Jhu=56OJQJ]^Jhq[Jhu=5OJQJ\^Jhu=5OJQJ\^J!h hBu 6H*OJQJ]^Jh hBu OJQJ^JhBu OJQJ^Jh hBu 6OJQJ]^J6 7 8 : D S T U W a c p } ~  㾴ȪscVh hq[JOJQJ^Jh hyX6OJQJ]^JhyX6H*OJQJ]^J!hyXhyX6H*OJQJ]^JhyX6OJQJ]^Jhq[J5OJQJ^Jhq[JOJQJ^JhCOJQJ^Jh%$OJQJ^Jhu=OJQJ^J!h hu=6H*OJQJ]^Jh hu=6OJQJ]^Jh hu=OJQJ^J  # ? 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