ࡱ> EGD!` nbjbj\\ 54>>k   T[$]hR $8 rT p Ȯ̱@Tx[bpp p(voTD[ ""   NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LICENSING & REGISTRATIONS SECTION RADIATION NOTICESTANDARDS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION NOTICES, INSTRUCTIONS & REPORTS TO WORKERS; INSPECTIONSIn the Louisiana Administrative Code LAC 33:XV (Louisiana Radiation Regulations), the Secretary has established standards for your protection against radiation hazards and has established certain provisions for the options of workers engaged in work under a license or registration certificate issued by the Department. YOUR EMPLOYERS RESPONSIBILITY Your employer is required to Apply these regulations and the conditions of his/her license or registration certificate to work involving sources of radiation. Post, or otherwise make available to you, a copy of LAC 33:XV (Louisiana Radiation Regulations), licenses, registration certificates and operating procedures which apply to work in which you are engaged and to explain their provisions to you. These documents are available at RADIATION SAFETY OFFICE 578-2008/2747/2743 Post all notices of violation involving radiological working conditions, proposed imposition of civil penalties and orders. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A WORKER You should familiarize yourself with those provisions of LAC 33:XV (Louisiana Radiation Regulations) and the operating procedures which apply to the work in which you are engaged. You should observe their provisions for your own protection and the protection of your co-workers. WHAT IS COVERED BY THESE REGULATIONS Limits on exposure to radiation and radioactive material in restricted and unrestricted areas; Measures to be taken after accidental exposure; Personnel monitoring, surveys and equipment; Caution signs, labels and safety interlock equipment; Exposure records and reports; Options for workers regarding Department inspections; and 7. Related matters. REPORTS ON YOUR RADIATION EXPOSURE HISTORY LAC 33:XV (Louisiana Radiation Regulations) require that your employer give you a written report if you receive a radiation dose in excess of any applicable limit as set forth in the regulations or in the license or registration certificate. The basic limits for radiation dose to employees are set forth in Chapter 4 of the regulations. This chapter specifies limits on radiation dose and exposure to concentrations of radioactive material in air and water. If you work where personnel monitoring is required, and if you request information on your radiation doses, (a) Upon termination of your employment, your employer must give you a written report of your radiation doses, and Your employer must advise you annually of your dose from radiation. INSPECTIONS All licensed or registered activities are subject to inspection by representatives of the Department. In addition, any worker or representative of workers who believes that there is a violation of the Louisiana Nuclear Energy and Radiation Control Law, the regulations issued thereunder, or the terms of the employers license or registration certificate with regard to radiological working conditions in which the worker is engaged, may request an inspection by sending a notice of the alleged violation(s) to the Department. The request must set forth the specific grounds for the notice and must be signed by the worker or a representative of the worker. During inspections, Department inspectors may confer privately with workers, and any worker may bring to the attention of the inspectors any past or present condition which he believes contributed to or caused any violation as described above. INQUIRIES Inquiries dealing with the matters outlined above can be directed to:  Emergency & radiological services division P.o. Box 4312 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-4312 225-219-3041  AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 225-765-0160 Copies of this notice must be posted in a sufficient number of places in every establishment where employees are employed in activities licensed or registered by the Department, pursuant to Chapters 2 and 3 of LAC 33:XV (Louisiana Radiation Regulations), to permit employees working in or frequenting any portion of a restricted area to observe a copy on the way to or from their place of employment. 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