ࡱ> AC@ Mbjbj[[ 299M00(H=t<<<<<<<<<<<<,>Դ<"<<<E= <<<<39<0-AG~ O:"<=0H=q:BBD<< <<H=B0 :   ((( RADIATION INCIDENT (((  Never Impede or Delay Medical Assistance Minor Spills: Incidents which involve the release or spillage of less than 100 microcuries ((Ci) of the radionuclide can generally be considered as minor spills. In such cases: Notify all other persons in the room at once. Clear room of all persons except those needed to deal with the spill. Confine liquid spills by dropping absorbent media on the spill area. Confine solid spills by dampening and covering the spill area carefully and thoroughly. Do not spread the contamination. Use water, unless chemical reaction would release airborne contaminants. Use oil otherwise. Notify the laboratory supervisor/principal investigator in-charge. Notify the Radiation Safety Office at 578-2008/578-2747. After normal business hours, notify the Campus Police 578-3231. Major Spills or Release: Incidents which occur outside a fume hood and involve the release or spillage of more than 100 microcuries ((Ci) of the radionuclide should be considered major spills. In such cases: In the event of suspected personal contamination, refer to Personal Contamination section below. Evacuate the spill area immediately. Keep all persons who were present during the spill at a nearby, low-traffic, safe location. Contain the spill to minimize the spread of the contaminant. Secure the area with conspicuous notice. Notify the laboratory supervisor/principal investigator in-charge. Notify the Radiation Safety Office at 578-2008/578-2747. After normal business hours, notify Campus Police at 578-3231. Wait for assistance. Personal Contamination: Notify Radiation Safety Office immediately at 578-2008/578-2747. After normal business hours, notify Campus Police at 578-3231. Remove all contaminated personal objects (lab coat, gloves, clothing, shoes, etc.) and place them into a labeled radioactive waste bag. Measure and record the amount of contamination on the contaminated part of your body with a survey meter, if applicable. Wash the contaminated area with mild soap and water. Repeat washing as necessary. Never Impede or Delay Medical Assistance. 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