Dates and Deadlines

Revised: Spring 2023

Fall Semester 2023

Event/Activity Date/Deadline

Enrollment information emailed to POC no later than

*August 1

Last day for student to submit the online application form and for POC to submit materials to LSU Admissions

August 18

Last day for POC to notify LSU Admissions that admitted student wants to drop without a “W” grade and not be charged tuition

August 30, 12:00 p.m.

IoR sends official myLSU roster to Facilitator to be verified

September 1

Last day for IoR to notify LSU Admissions of any roster discrepancies

September 6, 12:00 p.m.
LSU Admissions Portal for semester closes September 8, 12:00 p.m.
LSU mails invoices to POC no later than *October 1

Deadline for HS/District to submit tuition payment to LSU

*October 15

Last day for IoR to send to LSU Registrar a drop form indicating that a student wants to drop with a “W” grade

November 3

Last day for Facilitator to administer the Final Exam

December 8

Last day for Facilitator to verify final grades with IoR

December 11

*If this date falls on a non-business day, then the action will be carried out on the next business day.

Spring Semester 2024

Event/Activity Date/Deadline
Enrollment information emailed to POC no later than *December 1
Last day for student to submit the online application form and for POC to submit materials to LSU Admissions January 12
Last day for POC to notify LSU Admissions that admitted student wants to drop without a “W” grade and not be charged tuition

January 24, 12:00 p.m.

IoR sends official myLSU roster to Facilitator to be verified

January 29

Last day for IoR to notify LSU Admissions of any roster discrepancies January 31, 12:00 p.m.
LSU Admissions Portal for semester closes February 2, 12:00 p.m.
LSU mails invoices to POC no later than *March 15

Deadline for HS/District to submit tuition payment to LSU

*April 1

Last day for IoR to send to LSU Registrar a drop form indicating that a student wants to drop with a “W” grade

April 5
Last day for Facilitator to administer the Final Exam May 10
Last day for Facilitator to verify final grades with IoR

May 13

*If this date falls on a non-business day, then the action will be carried out on the next business day.