
Joy BlanchardJoy Blanchard

Associate Professor

Bachelor's Degree: Honors BS, Secondary French Education, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Master's Degree:  MS, Higher Education, Florida State University; Master of Jurisprudence, Labor and Employment Law: Tulane University (in progress)

PhD:  PhD, Higher Education, University of Georgia

Phone: (225) 578-2192

Email: jlblanchard@lsu.edu

Office: 111J Peabody Hall


Joy Blanchard’s research focuses on higher education law, primarily issues related to intercollegiate athletics, negligence liability and student safety, and faculty rights. She is a past member of the board of directors of the Education Law Association and served as national conference co-chair in 2018. Joy serves on the editorial board of several scholarly journals, including Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Prior to joining the faculty ranks, Joy worked in student affairs, having served as Assistant Dean of Students at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and has held positions in residence life, student conduct, service-learning, and student activities.

Selected Publications

Blanchard, J. & Garces, L.M. (2022). The legal environment: Higher education law and the politics that shape it. In P. Altbach, P. Gumport, & M. Bastedo (Eds.), American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political, and economic challenges (5th ed). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 

Foss, G.P. & Blanchard, J. (2022). Athletics. In C.J. Russo & E.A. Shaver (Eds.), The yearbook of education law 2021. Cleveland, OH: Education Law Association. 

Lugg, E.T. & Blanchard, J. (2022). Students in higher education. In C.J. Russo & E.A. Shaver (Eds.), The yearbook of education law 2021. Cleveland, OH: Education Law Association.

Blanchard, J., Weinstein, M., & Rojas, F.A. (2021). Substance use, sexual violence, and the culture surrounding college sports: What can Clery data tell us? Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. http://csri-jiia.org/substance-use-sexual-violence-and-the-culture-surrounding-college-sports-what-can-clery-data-tell-us/ 

Gayles, J. G. & Blanchard, J. (2018). Playing outside the lines: Contemporary legal issues in college sports. In J. G. Gayles (Ed.), Critical issues for student athletes: behind the invisible wall (New directions in student services).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 

Blanchard, J. (Ed.). (2018) Controversies on campus: Debating the issues confronting American universities in the 21st century. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Selected Presentations

Blanchard, J. Is Academic Freedom Becoming a ‘Rusty’ Ideal? Legislative Speech-Based Funding Restrictions on Curriculum. Education Law Association Annual Conference. November 2022.

Foss, G. & Blanchard J. A future beyond Rodriguez. Education Law Association Annual Conference, virtual. November 2021.

Blanchard, J., Foss, G., Hutchens, N., & Sun, J. Politicization of campus free speech. Education Law Association Annual Conference, virtual. November 2021.

Foss, G. & Blanchard, J. The case for Students for Fair Admissions and the case against Rodriguez. Education Law Association Annual Conference, virtual. November 2020. 

Blanchard, J. & Rojas, F. Substance use, sexual violence, and the culture surrounding college sports: What the Clery Act tells us. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR. November 2019.

Gaston Gayles, J., Blanchard, J., Comeaux, E., Crandall, R., Gray, A., Grummert, S., Haslerig, S., & Ofoegbu, E. Reimagining critical issues for college student-athletes. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR. November 2019.

Blanchard, J. Is Title IX the best way to reduce college sexual assault? Education Law Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. November 2018.

Blanchard, J. Report from the judicial sidelines: An update to legal challenges involving the NCAA. Education Law Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. November 2017.


LSU Brij Mohan Distinguished Professor Award: 2022

LSU Graduate School Summer Institute on the Future of Graduate Studies Fellow: 2017

LSU Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award: 2016