
Photo of Allie Boquet

Allie Boquet

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

Bachelor's Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biology, Southeastern Louisiana University, 2009

Master's Degree: Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Southeastern Louisiana University, 2015

PhD: Curriculum & Instruction Concentration in Special Education Minor in Educational Research, LSU, 2023


Phone: (225) 578-6056

Email: aboque2@lsu.edu

Office: 205 Peabody Hall


Dr. Allie Boquet teaches in the Special Education Program preparing future teachers in general and special education classroom settings. Prior to LSU, her career in the classroom spanned fourteen years. Dr. Boquet has experience in K-12 as well as higher education. She has served as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, university program coordinator, and undergraduate instructor. Dr. Boquet is an executive board member for the Louisiana Council for Exceptional Children and, faculty advisor to Exceptional Educators LSU and Best Buddies LSU.

Her current research focuses on how researchers disseminate evidence-based practices to be implemented by classroom teachers. Her goal is to increase the use of evidence-based practices by classroom teachers to improve student outcomes.

Select Publications

Boquet, A. J., Pettrey, K. V., Lastrapes, R. E., & Mooney, P. (2024). What Does a Useful Practitioner Journal Article Look Like? Perceptions of Preservice Teacher Candidates. Exceptionality, 1-13.

Boquet, A. J., Lastrapes, R. E., & Mooney, P. (2023). Managing Student Behavior with The Good Behavior Game and other Evidence-Based Practices. Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association.

Select Presentations

Boquet, A. J., (2024, November). Forge Ahead! Dissemination Strategies to Enhance Preservice Teacher Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge. Paper Presented at Council for Exceptional Children’s Teacher Education Division, Pittsburgh, PA.

Pettrey, K. and Boquet, A. J., (2024, October). Improving Intervention Decisions Using the Fraction Error Flowchart, Paper Presented at National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Lastrapes, R., Boquet, A. J., & Pettrey, K., (2022, April). What Does a Useful Practitioner Journal Article Look Like? Perceptions from Teachers. Paper Presented at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Boquet, A. J., (2022, March). Implementation Fidelity of Evidence-Based Practices by Preservice Teachers using Practitioner Journal Articles. Paper Presented at 51Âþ»­ Curriculum Camp, Baton Rouge, LA.

Boquet, A. J., (2021, March). University peer societal attitudes towards people with and without disabilities. Paper presented at Louisiana Educational Research Association, Baton Rouge, LA.

Select Grants/Funded Projects

Mooney, P. & Boquet, A. J., (2023). Special Projects Grant. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana. Total amount funded: $250,000.

Mooney, P. & Boquet, A. J., (2023). Comprehensive Transition Program Grant, Louisiana Alliance Postsecondary Inclusive Education (LAPIE). Total amount funded: $80,000.

Boquet, A. J., (2023). Comprehensive Transition Program Application, United States Department of Education. Approved federal Pell Grant for the LSU CTP program.