
R. Kenton Denny 

Judith Walker Gibbs Associate Professor

Bachelor's Degree(s): Secondary Education and Special Education, Tennessee Technological University, 1977

PhD: Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University, 1987

Phone: (225) 578-2299

Fax: (225) 578-9135

Email: rdenny@lsu.edu

Office: 207 Peabody Hall



Dr. Denny is the Judith Walker Gibbs Professor in Education and Associate Professor of Special Education Programs at 51Âþ»­.  Dr. Denny has over 30 years of experience as a classroom teacher, program administrator, researcher and consultant. Prior to working at LSU, he also served as a Senior Research Associate in the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs and as a Research Scientist with the Schiefelbusch Institute for Lifespan Studies at the University of Kansas. He currently manages the Positive Behavioral Support Program at LSU and the Louisiana State Personnel Development Grant at LSU.

Selected Publications

Mooney, P., Ryan, J., Gunter, P.L. & Denny, R.K. (2012, in press). Behavior modification/traditional techniques for students with EBD. In S. Bock & C.Borders (Ed.s) Current Perspectives in Education for Students with EBD.  (Accepted for publication).

Selected Presentations

Denny, R.K. (2011).  Presented to the Wing Institute, April 21, 2011.

Denny, R.K. (Session Leader) & Gunter, P.L. (2010). Critical analysis of approaches to classroom management practices.  Presented to the 88th Annual Council for Exceptional Children Conference, April 23, 2010.

Denny, R.K. (2010).  New beginnings. Opening address for the Louisiana PBS High School Forum. Baton Rouge, LA, April, 19th, 2010.

Denny, R.K. (2010).  Classroom management systems: Research based management procedures to support instruction.  Presented to the Louisiana Council for Exceptional Children Super-Conference. Lafayette, LA, January 25, 2010.

Denny, R.K. (2009).  PBS Tertiary Training (in-service).  Two day in-service training provided to 4 parishes and 8 schools in intensive individualized behavioral interventions. December 11 & 12, 2009.

Denny, R. K. (2009). A new way of thinking (and acting): Providing the supports for success. Presented to the Louisiana Down Syndrome Association.  Lafayette, LA, October 8, 2009.

Denny, R.K. (2009). An examination of state systems of recognition in support of Positive Behavioral Support programs.  Presented to the Louisiana Positive Behavioral Support State Advisory Council, Baton Rouge, LA, July 23, 2009.

Denny, R.K. (2009). Least restrictive behavioral interventions:  A need for guidelines on the use of aversives, restraint and seclusion in Louisiana schools. Presented to the Louisiana Council on Developmental Disabilities, Baton Rouge, LA, April 16, 2009.

Denny, R.K. (2009). PBS Models as Support for Safe and Predictable Schools (Invited Keynote Address). Presented to the Louisiana Department of Education Annual School Safety Summit.  February 25, 2009; Alexandria, LA.

Denny, R.K. (2009). Considerations for adopting and sustaining positive behavioral interventions and supports in schools. Presented to the Louisiana Department of Education Annual School Safety Summit.  February 25, 2009; Alexandria, LA.

Selected Grants/Funded Projects

Denny, R.K. (2007 - Present). Louisiana State Improvement Grant- 51Âþ»­ (LASIG II). Contract from the Louisiana Department of Education (State Professional Development Grant) to provide coordination and support to school improvement efforts in Louisiana. Includes policy and data analysis, provision of technical assistance to over sixty elementary, middle, and high schools across the state, and linking various state and national entities in school improvement efforts. Initial funding (4/1/2007 – 2/28/12 Total: 4,000,000).  http://wwwlasig2.org

Denny, R. K. & Hill, K. (2007 - 2010). Louisiana Coalition for Behavioral Support. Contract from the Louisiana Department of Education to establish regional coalitions to design implement and evaluate positive behavioral support strategies in all of Louisiana schools. Includes the establishment of statewide data systems, provision of technical assistance at local, regional, and state levels, material development to support multi-tiered prevention systems, coordination between LEA, SEA, Family and Community Service Providers.  Initial funding (7/1/2007 – 12/31/2008, $1, 498,000) renewed for 3 years (estimated total $3,100,000).  http://www.lapositivebehavior.com

Denny, R.K. & Callendar, K. (2007-2010). Professional Development Schools State-wide Coordination Project. Work with Institutions of Higher Education to develop, implement and evaluate inclusive professional development schools to support teacher education candidates in both special education and general education. Support the development of school, community, family and university partnerships to improve instruction, planning, family and community involvement. Establish a network of IHEs across the state committed to data driven practices in teacher education ($268,000 for 18 months)

Denny, R.K., Cheek, E.H., & Callendar, K. (2007-1/31/2011). Professional Development Schools Partnerships Project. A partnership between a local parish, family service agency, and university to fully implement a Professional Development School Model. Funding for planning, coursework and field experience integration, and evaluation of impact on student achievement.($365,000 for 3 years).

Denny, R.K. (2010-2012). Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Web Coordination Contract. To provide an enhanced on-line data support and coordination for PBIS state-wide program in Louisiana.  ($93,395).