Margaret Denny 

Senior Instructor

Bachelor's Degree(s): Elementary/Special Education, Middle Tennessee State University, 1979

Master's Degree: Mental Retardation, Pittsburg State University, 1993

Phone: (225) 578-1883

Fax: (225) 578-9135

Email: mdenny1@lsu.edu

Office: 219A Peabody Hall



Mrs. Denny has over 30 years in the field of special education in school settings, private nonprofit agencies for adults with disabilities, and in higher education. She has coordinated several federal and state grants in the area of special education and has taught courses in elementary, special education, and secondary education, and provided supervision of elementary and special education teacher candidates.

In addition to her teaching responsibilities and field supervision of preservice teacher candidates, she currently is the coordinator of the Professional Development Schools Partnership between LSU, West Baton Rouge Parish Schools, and Families Helping Families of Greater Baton Rouge.

Other teaching experiences are: Special education teacher for students with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities in middle and high school.

Selected Publications

Callendar, K., Denny, M., Strauss, D, Nabors J., Anderson, C., & Manola, T. Enhancing Success through RTI: Using Teacher Candidates to Provide Interventions. Presented at the 29th Annual CEC Conference “All Students Win” – Super Conference 2010, Lafayette, LA, January 25, 2010.

Callendar, K., Denny, M., Strauss, D., Nabors, J. Peters, T., Kauffman, M., & Pelham, M. Data Driven Math Interventions through School, University, and Family Partnerships. Presented at the annual National Professional Development Schools Conference, Daytona, FL, March 14, 2009.