Jennifer Qian
Associate Professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Technology
Bachelor's Degree: BA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Beijing Language University, China, 1991
Master's Degree: MEd in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998
Doctoral Degree: EdD in Educational Technology, Lehigh University, 2004
Phone: (225) 578-5470
Office: 213 Peabody Hall
Dr. Jennifer Qian joined the LSU faculty in 2018, leading and teaching in the Educational Technology program in the School of Education. Prior to joining LSU, she served as the doctoral research chair in the Doctor of Education program at Northeastern University, Boston. Her higher education career started in 1991, and she previously worked at Dartmouth College, St. Thomas University, Grand Valley State University, Lehigh University, State University of New York - Buffalo, and Beijing Capital University of Economics and Business.
Dr. Qian’s research areas include technology-enabled academic innovation, technology leadership, emerging technologies and pedagogies, and learning analytics. She also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Qian, Y. (Ed.) (2020). Teaching, learning, and leading with computer simulations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Kennedy, E., & Qian, Y. (Eds.) (2020). Advancing educational research with emerging technology. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Qian, Y., & Huang, G. (Eds.) (2019). Technology leadership for innovation in higher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Qian, Y. (Ed.) (2018). Integrating multi-user virtual environments in modern classrooms. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Thompson, C.B., &  Qian, Y. (2019). The impact of a comprehensive program on college success of academically and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Journal of International Education and Practice, 2(2/3), 1-17.
Qian, Y. (2019). Technology-enabled academic transformation in higher education. In Y. Qian, & G. Huang (Eds). Technology leadership for innovation in higher education (pp. 150-179). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 
Qian, Y. (2016). Computer simulations in higher education: Affordances, opportunities and outcomes. In P. Vu, S. Fredrickson, & C. Moore (Eds.), Handbook of research on innovative pedagogies and technologies for online learning in higher education (pp. 236-262). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Qian, Y. (2014). 3D multi-user virtual environments in science education: Potential and challenges. In T. Heafner, R. Hartshorne, & T. Petty (Eds.), Exploring the effectiveness of online education in K-12 environments (pp. 302-324). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Komarnicki, J., & Qian, Y. (2014). How do they fare: Learning achievement and satisfaction with blended learning for traditional-age undergraduates at moderately selective colleges. In A. Grant (Ed.), Critical examinations of distance education: Transformation across disciplines (pp. 178-195). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Qian, Y. (2009). 3D multi-user virtual environments: Promising directions for science education. The Science Educator, 18(2), 25-29.
Qian, Y. (2009). New media literacy in 3-D virtual learning environments. In T.W. Hin, & S. Ramanathan (Eds.), Handbook of research on new media literacy at the K-12 levels: Issues & challenges (pp. 257-269). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Qian, Y. (2009). Meaningful learning with wikis: Making a connection. In T. Kidd, & I. Chen (Eds.), Wired for learning: An educator’s guide to Web 2.0 (pp. 197-214). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Qian, Y. (2008). An investigation of current online educational games. In R. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education (pp. 67-82). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Qian, Y. (2008). Learning in 3-D virtual worlds: Rethinking media literacy. Educational Technology, 47(7), 38-41.
Martindale, T., Cates, W. M., & Qian, Y. (2004). Analysis of recognized Web-based educational resources. Computers in the Schools, 21(3/4), 101-117.
Martindale, T., Cates, W.M, &  Qian, Y. (2003). Educational websites: A classification system for educators and learners. Educational Technology, 43(6), 47-50.
Qian, Y. (1996). Inter-language theory and teaching Chinese as a foreign language: Analysis of the acquisition of the Chinese rhetorical question by foreign learners. Studies in Higher Education, Spring Issue, 13-16. (China)
Qian, Y. (1995). The use of functional grammar in the teaching of the ‘ba’ sentence in Chinese. Studies in Higher Education, Fall Issue, 29-31. (China)
Conference Presentations
Qian, Y. (2024, September). Crafting effective prompts: Elevating teacher competency through prompt Engineering. The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Interactive Conference [Online].
Qian, Y. (2024, July). A systematic mapping study on generative AI in teaching and learning: The state of art in higher education. Annual International Conference of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Brussels, Belgium.
Jafari A, Zhu Y, Karunatillake, S., Qian Y., Jeong, S., Kazemian, A., & Webb, A. (2024, June). Envisioning extraterrestrial construction and the future construction workforce: A collective perspective. The 41st Annual Interjectional Conference of International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction, Lille, France.
Qian Y. (2024, May). [Invited Speech]. Artificial Intelligence integration in online higher education. HSTalk, London, UK.
Qian, Y. (2023). AI, learning analytics, and adaptive learning: Orbit-shifting innovation in education. Architecture, Media, Politics, Society Conference: Teaching Beyond the Curriculum - Focus on Pedagogy. November 15-18, 2023.
Qian, Y. (2022). Integrating WebXR into teaching and learning: Technology affordances, instructional benefits, and design frameworks. Annual International Conference of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Qian, Y. (2022). The use of WebXR for immersive online learning: An analysis of learner immersion,
interaction, and inquiry. Annual International Conference of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Qian, Y. (2021). Online experiential learning: A game changer in online education. EdMedia
+ Innovate Learning Annual Conference, Association for the Advancement of Computing
in Education.
Qian, Y. (2020). [Keynote Speaker]. Technology-enabled academic innovation in U.S. higher education: Current models and emerging trends. The International Conference on Higher Education - Curriculum for Discovery and Innovation, Hong Kong, China.
Qian, Y., & Thompson, C.B. (2019). The impact of a bridge program on college success of academically and socioeconomically disadvantaged students: Race, relationships, and rigor. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Qian, Y. (2012). Promoting active learning: The Community of Inquiry Approach to designing synchronous E-Learning. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, Montreal, Canada.
Qian, Y. (2009). Online educational games: A guide to major game websites. ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI.
Qian, Y. (2007). Meaningful leaning with wikis: Make a connection. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Qian, Y. (2006). Engage or enrage: Designing educational websites that work for the millennials. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education, Orlando, FL.
Qian, Y. (2005). Designing online learning activities that make sense online: Theory into practice. Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Qian, Y. (2004). Making optimal use of the Web as a learning tool: Development of an instructional design model for web-based instruction. American Society of Training and Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Qian, Y. (2004). Instructional design models for constructivist learning: A theoretical synthesis of essential elements. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.
Qian, Y. (2003). Adversity OR opportunity: Women’s global views (Panelist), American Association of University Women’s 2nd Annual International Public Forum, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA.
Qian, Y. (2003). Development of an instructional design model for designing the web as a cognitive tool. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.
Qian, Y. (2001). Exemplary instructional websites: A study of instructional design. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Qian, Y. (1997). The application of functional grammar in teaching Chinese as a foreign language: A case study. American Culture and Popular Culture Associations, San Antonio, TX.
2023-2024, 2024-2025, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Faculty Fellow, LSU
2020, Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Human Sciences and Education, LSU
2017, Teaching Excellence Award, College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University
Editorial Board, British Journal of Educational Technology (2024 - Present)
Editorial Board, Journal of Computing in Higher Education (2024 – Present)
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education (2021-Present)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Education and Practice (2019 - 2021)