
Molly Quinn

Director, Curriculum Theory Project
Advisor, Urban & Community Education
St. Bernard Chapter of the LSU Alumni Association Professor

Bachelor's Degree: BA, Education, 51Âț»­, 1987
PhD: PhD, Education, Curriculum Theory, 51Âț»­, 1997

Phone: (225) 578-2892
Office: 121C Peabody Hall
Email Molly Quinn


Molly Quinn, PhD, is director of the Curriculum Theory Project and advisor of Urban and Community Education at 51Âț»­ where she holds the St. Bernard Chapter of the LSU Alumni Association Endowed Professorship. Before returning to her alma mater, she enjoyed professorial appointments at Augusta University participating in the design and development of its CPED-affiliated (social justice- & problem-focused) EdD Program in Educational Innovation; and at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Adelphi University, having spent much of her career in the New York metropolitan area — engagement there centered on equity and ethics issues in urban education and/or context of globalization. Teaching courses primarily in curriculum theory and history, educational foundations and qualitative research; her work in teacher education has been grounded in interdisciplinary humanities pedagogy, integrating literature, culture and the arts, through which she engages students dialogically, philosophically, autobiographically, aesthetically, experientially, critically, in the study of curriculum and art of teaching. As a former schoolteacher, she has taught students across the p-12 grade span, particularly in the disciplines of English, history, theater, and art. 

She is a founding member of the International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership, and also served as president elect of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies from 2016-2019, presently its Executive Director. Dr. Quinn is the author of Going Out, Not Knowing Whither: Education, the Upward Journey and the Faith of Reason (2001), Peace and Pedagogy (2014), Theorizing Justice, Justly Theorizing, in Education (forthcoming), and numerous book chapters and journal articles. Editor, as well, of Complexifying Curriculum Studies:  Reflections on the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll Jr. (2019), much of her scholarship engages ‘spiritual’ and philosophical criticism toward embracing a vision of education that cultivates beauty, awareness, compassion, creativity, community and social action.


Quinn, M., (Ed.).  (2019).  Complexifying Curriculum Studies:  Reflections on the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll Jr.  NY: Routledge (W. Pinar, Series Editor).

Quinn, M.  (2014).  Peace and Pedagogy (Primer Series). New York: Peter Lang.

Quinn, M.  (2001).  Going Out, Not Knowing Whither:  Education, The Upward Journey and the Faith of Reason.  New York:  Peter Lang Publishing.


Book Chapters

Christodoulou, N., Linville, D., & Quinn, M.  (Under Review).  Recording History as Lived and Experienced in Cyprus and the CSRA: Two Oral History Projects on Loss, Pain, Agony, Race, Education, Transformative Experiences.  In T. Mulvihill and R. Swaminathan (Eds.). (2021). Oral History and Qualitative Methodologies for Educational Research.  London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Rodriguez, C., Alsop, S., & Quinn, M.  (Under Review).  Curricular Experiments for Peace in Colombia: re-imagining science education in post-conflict societies.  In J. Bazzul, M. Wallace, & M. Higgins, Eds., Science x Education x Anthropocene.  London: Palgrave MacMillan. 

Quinn, M.  (In Press).  Peace and Curriculum Studies. In M.F. We & W. Schubert, (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Quinn, M.  (2020).  Between Presence and Absence: Living and Learning Grace in the Face of Death.  In M. Bussey & C. Mozzini, (Eds.), A Phenomenology of Grace: The Body, Embodiment and Transformative Futures.  Puducherry, India: Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan. 

Quinn, M.  (2019).  From the Echo of God’s Laughter:  On the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr. to Curriculum Studies.  In M. Quinn (Ed.), Complexifying Curriculum Studies:  Reflections on the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr.  NY:  Routledge 

Quinn, M., & Christodoulou, N.  (2019). Making manifestos In absentia: On imagining life in a world without curriculum theory.  In C. HĂ©bert, N. Ng-A-Fook, A. Ibrahim, & B. Smith & (Eds.), Internationalizing Curriculum Studies. London: Palgrave MacMillan. 

Quinn, M.  (2016).  Afterword:  Of Experiencing Pedagogy by Rainbow Light..  In H. Wang, From the parade child to the king of chaos:  The complex journey of William Doll, teacher educator.  NY:  Peter Lang

Selected Presentations

Invited (Plenary, Keynote, Highlight) Presentations

Keynote Panelist in A Celebratory Conversation Marking Maxine Greene’s 100th Birthday and the Passing of William Doll.  Professors of Curriculum, AERA, New York, New York, April 2018. 

Chair, Special Session, Complexifying Curriculum: Celebrating the Generous and Generative Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr., to Curriculum Studies, AAACS, Queens, New York, April 2018. 

Plenary Speaker, The Annual Meeting of the Institute for International Critical Pedagogy and Curriculum Leadership. (Host: The Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities at the University of Barcelona).  Barcelona, Spain, October 2016. 

Keynote Speaker, Panel on Social Justice, Community & Peace, American Association for Curriculum & Teaching, Grand Rapides, Michigan, October 2016.  (Invited, Unable to attend). 

Explorations in Culture and Curriculum: Possibilities and Considerations, Session Chair, presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Washington DC, April 2016. 

Division C Fireside Chat: The Journey from Doctoral Student to a Tenure Track Job, Panel Participant, presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Washington DC, April 2016. 

Plenary Speaker, The Annual Meeting of the Institute for International Critical Pedagogy and Curriculum Leadership.  Cadiz, Spain, October, 2015. (Dialogues, Third Wave Islamophobia, Bullying in our Faculties). 

Theorizing Justice, Justly Theorizing, in Education.  Local Scholars Speak, AU/GRU Faculty Development Day, Augusta, Georgia, September 2015. AAACS Graduate Student Committee Mentoring Session, April, 2015, Chicago. 

Peace and Pedagogy Author Question and Answer Session with Dr. Hongyu Wang’s Graduate Student Class, Oklahoma State University, March, 2015. 

Plenary Speaker, The Annual Meeting of the Institute for International Critical Pedagogy and Curriculum Leadership.  Chihuihua, Mexico, October, 2014.  (Featuring Newly Released Peace and Pedagogy book). 

A Tribute to Maxine Greene, Keynote Panelist, JCT Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theorizing and Classroom Practice, Dayton, Ohio, October 2014. 

Peace, Love and Understanding? Contemplating Curriculum, Pedagogy and Nonviolence via Arts-Based Inquiry with Teachers and Students.  Curriculum Theory Project Research Lecture, 51Âț»­, March, 2013. 

Conceptualizing Curriculum:  A Inquiry of Subjective Proportions.  Guest Lecturer, Curriculum Theory Class, Dr. Denise Egea, 51Âț»­, February, 2013. 

On Doing the Doctoral and Pursuing the Professional.  Mentoring Session of the Curriculum Theory Graduate Collaborative Development Series, 51Âț»­, November, 2013. 

Provoking Dialogues Panelist, Curriculum and the Aesthetic Life: Hermeneutics, Body, Democracy, and Ethics in Curriculum Theory, JCT Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theorizing and Classroom Practice, Dayton, Ohio, October 2013. 

Intergenerational Conversation on Eric Fromm’s Art of Loving, JCT Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theorizing and Classroom Practice, Dayton, Ohio, October 2013.

Presentations (Refereed*)

Hendry-ing Curriculum Studies:  Celebration & Appreciation.  Panel Chair.  Curriculum Camp, 51Âț»­, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March, 2020. 

“Peace, Love and the Transforming Heart of Curriculum Studies.” Paper presentation at the JCT Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October, 2019, Dayton, Ohio.* 

Curriculum, Life, Death: Theological Genuflection and Inflections. Discussant, papers presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, April, 2019.* 

Accounting for Grace & Grief in Curriculum Discourses.  Paper, panel participant, presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, April, 2019.* 

Complexifying Curriculum:  Celebrating the Generous and Generative Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr.  Chair, Symposium presented at the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December, 2018.*

 Living Histories, Local Stories, of Education, Race and Place: A Readers   Theater Performance from the CSRA Oral History Project.  Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia, October 4, 2018. 

Stories of Race, Place & Public Education: A Critical Curriculum Studies Performance. Presentation with Drs. Niki Christodoulou and Darla Linville, American Education Research Association Conference, New York, New York, April 2018.* 

Creating the Future by Living in the Present.  Presentation with Dr. Wayne Lord at the CPED (Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate) Conference, Oakland, CA, October, 2017. 

Echoes of God’s Laughter: Entertaining the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll Jr.  Chair, Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April, 2017.* 

Stories from the American South: From Living Experiences to the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunities.  Paper, co-presented with Drs. Niki Christodoulou and Darla Linville, at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2017.* 

Heeding the Wisdom and Way of the King of Chaos:  Reflections on the Rich Legacy of William E. Doll, Jr.  Chair, Panel Presentation Symposium at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2017.* 

Race, Place and Education in the American South: Oral Histories Illumining Curricular Practice.  Paper co-presented with Drs. Christodoulou & Linville, at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2017.* 

Curricular Experiments for Peace in Colombia:  Reflections on an International Collaboration in Science Education, Sustainability, and Social Justice. Paper co-presented with Drs. Carolina Castano Rodriguez and Steve Alsop, at  the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 2017.* 

Social Justice, Oral History and Inquiry into Practice, Presentation with Drs. Christodoulou & Linville, CPED, Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate, Conference, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, October 2016. 

Probing Our Practice: Our Journey into Social Justice, Plenary Presentation, CPED, Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate, Conference (with colleagues and students), Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, October 2016. 

Creating a Culture of Mentoring Within a Diverse University, One Mentor at a Time. Paper presentation with Dr. Charlotte, LILY Conference On Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning, Traverse City, Michigan, October 2016.* 

Creating a Culture of Mentoring within our Diverse University.” CIRCA, Faculty Development Day, with Dr.Charlotte Chatto, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, September 2016. 

Stories from the American south: Lessons for Research, Education, and Justice, Paper presentation with Drs. Niki Christodoulou & Darla Linville, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Dublin, Ireland, August 2016.* (Unable to attend, colleagues presented our work) 

Illuminating Historical Sense & Ethical Sensibility in/for Curriculum Studies from the Provocation and Pedagogy of William E. Doll, Jr., panel paper presentation with Dr. Hongyu Wang at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Washington DC, April 2016.* 

“What’s Mentoring Got to Do With It?  Making the Most of Your Academic Life and Work.”  CIRCA, Faculty Development Day, with Dr. Charlotte Chatto, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, January 2016. 

“Rereading Education History and the Enlightenment via the Franco-Afro-Creole Protest Tradition in Antebellum Louisiana.” Paper presentation with Hendry, P., at the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 2015.* 

“Theorizing Justice, Justly Theorizing, in Education via Curriculum Studies.” Book presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.* 

“Following Pebbles By Moonlight: Elementary Students Shed Light on Power, Peace & Violence in Response to the Classic Tale Hansel and Gretel.” Paper presentation with Sonu, D., at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.* 

“Cultures of Coexistence:  Four New York City Elementary Teachers and Their Models for Teaching Peace.” Paper presentation with Sonu, D., at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.* 

“Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Question of Peace.” Book reflection presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2015.* 

“Creole Enlightenment and Un-Common Schooling: Transatlantic Figures of the Past in Curriculum History.” Paper presentation with Hendry, P., at the Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 2013.*  (Unable to attend—coauthor presented our work) 

“Rogue Enlightenment and Education’s Future of the Past: Transatlantic Teachings from Colonial America.” Paper presentation with Hendry, P., at the 35th Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October 9-11, 2014, Dayton, Ohio.* 

“Beginning with Children: Exploring Students’ Views on and Visions for Peace in Urban Elementary Classrooms.”  Paper presentation with Sonu, D., at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Francisco, California, April 2013.*

Selected Grants/Funded Projects

Porter Fleming Foundation Grant, CSRA Oral History Project, with Dr. Darla Linville, March 2018-May 2019. 

AU CURS (Center for Undergraduate Research/Scholarship) 2017 Grant for Undergraduate Research Assistance, CSRA Oral History Project, with Drs. Christodoulou & Linville. 

AU COE Dean’s Grant for Faculty Research, Fall 2015, Fall 2014

Selected Honors/Awards

St. Bernard Chapter of the LSU Alumni Association Endowed Professorship, January 2020-present. 

College of Education Representative/Leadership Team Nominee for Augusta University to USG System for Chancellor’s Learning Scholar Award, August 2018. 

Augusta University Values of Leadership Nomination, May 2018. 

Professors of Curriculum, Keynote Lectures Committee, April 2019-present.

President Elect, AAACS, the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, April 2016-April 2019. 

Professors of Curriculum (AERA), Nominations Committee, April 2015-April 2017. 

Vice-President Elect, AAACS, the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, April 2013-April 2016 

International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership, (Founding) Member, by Invitation, March 2012-present 

Professors of Curriculum (AERA), 2008-present. 

AU Office of Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence, Scholarly Activity Awards, 2014-2019. 

Nominee, Louis K. Bell Research Award, Augusta University, February 2016. 

Faculty Development Fellowship, Office of Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence, Augusta University/GRU, August 2015-May 2016 

Professional Service


Professors of Curriculum, Honorary Speakers Committee, 2019-Present. 

AAACS Board Member, Executive Director, 2016-Present. 

Editorial Board Member, Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, September 1997-present. 

AAACS, President, 2016-2019. 

Reviewer, Palgrave MacMillan, June 2018-April 2019. 

AERA 2017, Proposal Reviewer, Division B, Section 4, People & Politics Professors of Curriculum, AERA, Nominations Committee, Fall 2015-April 2017. 

AAACS, Vice President, 2013-2016 

Oklahoma State University, Curriculum Studies Program, Advisory Board Member, Jan. 2015-Present. 

Reviewer, Palgrave Publishers (manuscript in curriculum studies), Spring 2018. 

Reviewer, Bank Street Occasional Papers Series, May 2016. 

Reviewer, August 2015, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 

Reviewer (regularly), Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 1999-present. 

AAACS Graduate Student Writing Award, Reviewer, Spring 2015.



Curriculum Theory Project, Director

Advisor, Urban and Community Education

Augusta University

College of Education Promotion & Tenure Committee Member, Special Cases, Fall 2019. 

Promotion & Tenure Committee Member, Dept. of Teaching & Leading, 2018-2019. 

Promotion & Tenure PreTenure Committee, Dept. of Kinesiology, 2018-2019. 

Community Service, College of Education Representative Member, August 2016-May 2017; August 2018-Dec. 2019. 

AU Representative CPED (Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate) Member, Aug. 2014-Dec. 2019. (attend/participate in biannual conferences) 

EdD Program Co-Director, Curriculum Coordinator, July 2016-May 2019. 

Ed. Steering Committee, Aug. 2014-December 2019. 

Interim/Acting Chair, Department of Advanced Studies & Innovation, College of Education, August 2017-July 2018. 

Faculty Search Committee, Vice-President of Interdisciplinary Research, August 2016-January 2018. 

Faculty Development, College of Education Representative Member, August 2015-May 2017. 

Graduate Council, College of Education Representative Member, February 2015-March 2017. 

EdD Admissions Committee, Aug. 2014-Aug. 2017. 

EdS Program Committee, Aug. 2014-Aug. 2017. 

Research Faculty Search Committee, Ad Hoc Chair, August 2016-May 2017. 

Teacher Education Chair Search Committee, August 2015-April 2016. 

Faculty Development Fellow, August 2015-May 2016.* [Faculty Development Day Presentations, Fall 2015 & Spring 2016; Mentor Training Pilot Program, College of Nursing]. 

Advising, Program Committee, Ed.S. Program, Aug. 2014-May 2016. 

Student Affairs, Faculty Senate, College of Education Representative, Aug. 2014-May 2015. 

Peace Studies Group, and initiating consultant to Dr. Nai-Gen Kuo, Coordinator, Aug. 2015-May 2016; Peace Studies Group Welcome Representative, SGI-USA “Building a Culture of Peace for the Children of the World” Exhibit, & Reception, November 30-December 1, 2015. 

AU World Peace Summit Committee, & Committee Coordinator, Fall 2015. 

Study Abroad Learning Community, Fall 2014-Spring 2015.


LSU Lunch and Learn Session, with Dr. J. Bach, Teach For America Education Summit, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, January, 2020. 

“African-Americans in Education in the CSRA:  Integration in the 1960s and 1970s,” a film premiere, Q&A and reception of the CSRA Oral History Project, Lucey Craft Laney Museum of Black History (co-host), Augusta, Georgia, March 14, 2019. (Grant funded, Porter Fleming Foundation) 

“Living Histories, Local Stories, of Education, Race and Place:  A Readers Theater Performance from the CSRA Oral History Project,” Morris Museum of Art (co-host), Augusta, Georgia, October 4, 2018. (Grant funded, Porter Fleming Foundation) 

“Social Canvas Day”, Volunteer, Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia, March 19, 2017. 

Herbert Gertrude Art Institute, Membership, January 2017-Dec. 2019. 

Morris Museum of Art, Membership, August 2016-Dec. 2019. 

Guest Storyteller, Speaker, Third Grade, Euchee Creek Elementary School, Grovetown, Georgia, March 2016.

Augusta Historic Society, Fundraiser, Spring 2015, & Membership, Spring 2015-present. 

AU/GRU ISL Conference, Author Book Signing, Peace and Pedagogy, Spring, 2015. 

AU/GRU Service Day, Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, Fall 2014. 

“Living the Wellness Way”, holistic health retreat through the Red Shoes, Center for Personal Development & Spiritual Enrichment, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Fall 2013/Spring 2014*