
photo of Kim Skinner

Kim Skinner 

Associate Professor

Bachelor's Degree(s): Elementary Education, Emphasis: Mathematics, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 1986

Master's Degree: Curriculum and Instruction, Cognate: Mathematics, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 1999

PhD: Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 2012

Phone: 225-578-6709

Email: kskinner@lsu.edu

Office: 121D Peabody Hall

Research Interest

Linked by sociocultural theory and explored through an ethnographic lens, my research addresses 1) the impact of students' literacy development on their mathematical understandings, and 2) the ways unique learning opportunities are adopted and adapted discursively and interactionally by students and their teacher.

Selected Publications

Skinner, K. (2015). Acts of thinking: At school, but not during school. Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal, 22(4), 348-363. doi:10.1080/10749039.2015.1091701

Nelson, N., Barrera, E. S., IV., Skinner, K., & Fuentes, A. M. (2014). Language, culture, and border lives: Mestizaje as positionality. Cultura y Educación: Revista de Teoría, Investigación, y Práctica/Culture and Education: Journal of Theory, Investigation, and Practice, 26, 1-41. doi:10.1080/11356405.2014.98121

Skinner, K. (2013, Fall). Text selection for read-alouds: The influence of topic in children's discussions of literary texts. e-Journal of Balanced Reading Instruction, 1(2), 40-46. 

Pearce, D., Bruun, F., Skinner, K., & Lopez-Mohler, C. (2013). What teachers say about student difficulties solving mathematical word problems in grades 2-5. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(1), 3-19.

Selected Book Chapters

Griffith, B., & Skinner, K. (2014). Expansive notions of coherence and complexity in education. In A. Ambrose, B. Sriraman, & K. M. Pierce (Eds.), A critique of creativity and complexity: Deconstructing clichés (pp. 185-198). Rotterdam, NL: Sense. 

Skinner, K., & Griffith, B. (2013). Reformulating relationships between teaching and learning. In B. Griffith & D. J. Loveless (Eds.), The interdependence of teaching and learning (pp. 35-48). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.