
Counselor Education Subjective Learning & Assessment Review (SLAR) 2023


The Mission of the LSU Counselor Education program is a 60-hour master's program in counseling with two distinct concentrations: School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling. The degree prepares students to function as professional counselors in a variety of human service settings such as schools, college counseling centers, mental health treatment facilities, and private practice. Our program prepares students to meet the mental health needs of clients in the state of Louisiana and nationally. Our goal is to prepare students to master the knowledge and skill areas specified by current preparation standards and best practices in the counseling profession. Graduates use their knowledge and skills to help individuals, couples, and families from diverse populations to enhance life adjustment, foster personal growth and wellness, promote social justice and advocacy, and expand competencies in coping with environmental demands across the lifespan. 

Reporting Cycle 2023
MEd in Counseling Learning Outcomes 

Professional Orientation MET
Graduates will demonstrate a professional counselor identity appropriate to their chosen career path.

Measures Results Actions

Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale

The Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale (CCSS) is a 32- item formative measure that assesses counseling skills, professional behaviors and other counseling competencies. Each item is rated on a 7-point scale (not effective- consistently effective). Professional Identity is measured on the CCSS Subscales VII, VIII, IX, and X. CCSS data was collected at Midterm and Final (end of semester) for both the practicums and internships. The faculty supervisor and the site supervisor complete the form. The practicums for the School Counseling Concentration (ELRC 7362) and Clinical Mental Health Concentration (ELRC 7364) were offered in Spring 2022. The Internships (ELRC 7399, both concentrations) were offered in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters. 

Direct - Field Assessment 


The “Meets Expectation” score is a mean score of 4.0 or above for each item domain measured for this outcome for all students. 



We have met the overall mean average of 4.0 for each domain. 


In Fall 2022 in Counseling Skills, the composite scores for both sections Ě„X=4.57, which exceeds our target score. School Counseling (SC) practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite = 4.30,Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.25. The total SC midterm composite = 4.27. For SC spring 2023 faculty final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.12 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.23. The total SC final= 5.18. For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm= 4.58 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.26. The total CMHC composite score = 4.42 For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty final score = 5.62 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.02. The total CMHC final= 5.32. Spring 2023 Practicum was the first semester the revised CCSS was used. 

For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite score = 4.85 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 6.16. The total SC midterm composite= 5.51. For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 5.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.84. The total SC final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.22. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite CCSS= 5.87 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 5.95. The total SC midterm composite= 5.91. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final composite= 6.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite = 6.67. The total SC final composite = 6.64, again, exceeding the target. For CMHC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite =4.73 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite=5.11. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X =4.92. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm=4.88 while the Site Supervisor midterm= 5.15. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X score= 5.02. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final= 5.86 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.98. The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target.

Revise Measurement / Assessment 


Although we have consistently met our CCSS targets and exceeded them, faculty have repeatedly stated concerns that inflated site supervisor scores cloud the degree of accuracy reflected in student outcomes, particularly at the practicum and internship levels. Therefore, in Spring 2023, we implemented the revised CCSS, which deflated and brought into median range Site Supervisor scores. In Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 we are implementing the revised CCSS with Internship supervisors. It is our hope that inflated scores will (which now must be justified beyond a 5.0) will be reduced. 

Recommended Due Date: 10/30/2023

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. For this objective the outcome measure is Subscale 8, Professional Orientation & Ethics. 

Direct - Exam (Certification/ Licensure) 

The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score that meets or exceeds the national mean for the composite score for the entire CPCE exam. The target changes frequently as new iterations of the exam are constructed bi-annually. The potential score range for the composite is 8-124.



Our summative measure is the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination, a national counseling exit exam. It has eight subscales that are aligned with outcomes 1-8. In addition, a mean composite total score (combining the eight subscales) is given and compared to a national mean score (see Figure 1). The LSU mean composite (X= 94.8) was significantly higher than the National mean composite (X=85.7). 

LSU and National CPCE Subscale Score Results Spring 2023.pdf 


Overall, the composite score of the CPCE allows us to understand how students have developed during their time in our program in regard to their knowledge and application of concepts. Based on the CPCE, we can assume that students continue to progress through our program with the knowledge to be practice professionally as counselors.

Additional Training Not Started 

In order to enhance students' professional orientation within their specific tracks (SC, CMHC) we will be developing a summer training repository. The trainings will include additional development relevant to their concentrations. For example, school counseling students will get extra training on classroom management, 504, mandatory reporting. CMHC students will get additional training on suicide assessment, substance use, and pharmacology. We will assess learning using case studies and quizzes. 

Recommended Due Date: 12/12/2023

Helping Relationship MET
Graduates will be able to demonstrate excellent helping, communication, conflict resolution, consultation, and other intrapersonal and interpersonal skills; 

Measures Results Actions

Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale 

The Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale (CCSS) is a 32- item formative measure that assesses counseling skills, professional behaviors and other counseling competencies. Each item is rated on a 7-point scale (not effective- consistently effective). For this outcome, the following CCSS subscales are used: Domains I (Develops a Therapeutic Relationship), II (Builds Trust and Rapport), III (Encouraging Exploration), IV (Deepens Session), V (Encourages Change), and VI (Theoretical and Other Professional Knowledge). Data are collected for all of the practicums and internships. For ELRC 7345, Counseling Skills, only domains I-V are collected as this is the prerequisite course for the field site courses. 

Direct - Field Assessment 


The “Meets Expectation” score is 4.0 or above for each item domain measured for this outcome for all students. 




The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target. 


In Fall 2022 in Counseling Skills, the composite scores for both sections Ě„X=4.57, which exceeds our target score. School Counseling (SC) practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite = 4.30,Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.25. The total SC midterm composite = 4.27. For SC spring 2023 faculty final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.12 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.23. The total SC final= 5.18. For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm= 4.58 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.26. The total CMHC composite score = 4.42 For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty final score = 5.62 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.02. The total CMHC final= 5.32. Spring 2023 Practicum was the first semester the revised CCSS was used. 

For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite score = 4.85 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 6.16. The total SC midterm composite= 5.51. For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 5.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.84. The total SC final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.22. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite CCSS= 5.87 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 5.95. The total SC midterm composite= 5.91. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final composite= 6.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite = 6.67. The total SC final composite = 6.64, again, exceeding the target. For CMHC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite =4.73 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite=5.11. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X =4.92. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm=4.88 while the Site Supervisor midterm= 5.15. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X score= 5.02. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final= 5.86 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.98. 

Additional Training 


Every student is also being asked to participate in group counseling during practicum and internship. In addition, we are bolstering our curriculum with mandatory summer training modules in the areas of: Mandatory reporting, suicide prevention, substance abuse, and concentration specific modules. 

Recommended Due Date: 12/15/2023 

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. For this objective the outcome measure is subscale 3, Helping Relationships. 

Direct - Exam (Certification/ Licensure) 


The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score that meets or exceeds the national mean on Subscale 5, Helping Relationships, for students taking the exam. The target changes frequently as new iterations of the exam are constructed bi-annually. The potential score range is 1-17. 



Although our goal is to meet or exceed the National mean on the CPCE for the Helping Relationships subscale we scored a mean of 11.1 compared to the National mean of 9.84. This difference, we believe, is owing in part to our strong emphasis on core clinical skills throughout Counseling Skills, Practicum, and Internship. However, we still believe we can improve and have listed numerous action items to continue to do so. 

Revise Measurement / Assessment 


The revised CCSS was used in Fall 2022 with Counseling Skills, Spring 2023 with Practicum, and will now be used in Fall 2023 with Internship. Thus, it will be fully implemented in all SKILLS course beginning in Fall 2023. This should limit Site Supervisor score inflation. 


Although our graduates have met the outcomes we have selected, we believe they can continue to improve and that we can provide a better outcome for our community. Therefore, we will continue to monitor the use of the revised CCSS this year in internship and we are implementing training modules in Summer 1 and Summer 2 to improve student preparation for skills courses.

Appraisal MET
Graduates will be able to select, administer, and interpret assessment tools as appropriate and ethical to their counseling settings; 

Measures Results Actions

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. For this objective the outcome measure is subscale 6, Appraisal. 

Direct - Exam (Certification/ Licensure) 


The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score that meets or exceeds that national mean on Subscale 6, Appraisal for students taking the exam. The target changes frequently as new iterations of the exam are constructed bi-annually. The potential score range is 1-17. 



The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target. 


On the Appraisal subscale of the National CPCE exam, we did score above the National Mean. Our goal is always to score at or above the National mean. Aspirationally, we like to score at least a point above the national mean on every subscale. Appraisal is our lowest score of all subscales. 

Revise Curriculum 


We are going to move Appraisal to the third year in the Counselor Education curriculum from the first year. By moving the course, students will have gained greater knowledge of client populations, diversity and range of client symptomology, and breadth and depth of clinical skills to apply assessment knowledge and skills. 

Recommended Due Date: 10/30/2023 


Overall, we did meet our outcome. However, we continue to seek improvement as we believe revising the curriculum can assist our students in understanding better how to apply assessment skills as they enter clinical practice. 

Social and Cultural Foundations MET
Graduates will be able to provide counseling services to individuals, couples, families, and groups across the lifespan in a diverse and multicultural society; 

Measures Results Actions

Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale 

The Counseling and Counselor Skill Scale (CCSS) is a 32- item formative measure that assesses counseling skills, professional behaviors and other counseling competencies. Each item is rated on a 7-point scale (not effective- consistently effective). Social and Cultural Foundations is measured on the CCSS Subscales VI (Theoretical and Other Professional Knowledge) and subscale X (Integrity). CCSS data was collected at midterm and final for both the practicums and internships. The faculty supervisor and the site supervisor complete the form. The practicums for the School Counseling Concentration (ELRC 7362) and Clinical Mental Health Concentration (ELRC 7364) were offered in Spring 2022. The Internships (ELRC 7399, both concentrations) were offered in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters. 


The “Meets Expectation” score is 4.0 or above for each item domain measured for this outcome for all students. 



The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target. 


In Fall 2022 in Counseling Skills, the composite scores for both sections Ě„X=4.57, which exceeds our target score. School Counseling (SC) practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite = 4.30,Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.25. The total SC midterm composite = 4.27. For SC spring 2023 faculty final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.12 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„(X )score = 5.23. The total SC final= 5.18. For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm= 4.58 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite = 4.26. The total CMHC composite score = 4.42 For CMHC practicum in Spring 2023, the faculty final score = 5.62 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.02. The total CMHC final= 5.32. Spring 2023 Practicum was the first semester the revised CCSS was used. 

For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite score = 4.85 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 6.16. The total SC midterm composite= 5.51. For SC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 5.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.84. The total SC final composite CCSS Ě„X score = 6.22. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm composite CCSS= 5.87 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite= 5.95. The total SC midterm composite= 5.91. For SC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final composite= 6.61 while the Site Supervisor final composite = 6.67. The total SC final composite = 6.64, again, exceeding the target. For CMHC internship in Fall 2022, the faculty midterm composite =4.73 while the Site Supervisor midterm composite=5.11. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X =4.92. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty midterm=4.88 while the Site Supervisor midterm= 5.15. The total CMHC midterm composite CCSS Ě„X score= 5.02. For CMHC internship in Spring 2023, the faculty final= 5.86 while the Site Supervisor final= 5.98. The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target. 

No actions have been added. 

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. Students take this exam in the last semester of the program. For this objective the outcome measure is Subscale 2, Social and Cultural Foundations. 

Direct - Exam (Certification/ Licensure) 


The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score of 11 or greater (on a 17-item subscale) on Subscale 2, Social & Cultural Foundations for students taking the exam (N=14). 



The total CMHC final= 5.92, above program target. 


Although we met our outcome measure (LSU=11.9, National mean=10.03), we continue to struggle in this area. We believe we can and must do better. As a result, we have placed a new instructor in the Multicultural Counseling course, Ms. Bianca Lee. We now require service-learning in the Lifespan Development course and we are partnering with the president's Future Scholar's initiative to offer more service activities in the first year of the program. 

Additional Training 


We will offer additional summer training and special populations elective courses through our college for students interested in working with particular groups or seeking additional information on diverse client populations (e.g., athletes, LGBTQIA, race & gender, etc.). 

Recommended Due Date: 10/30/2023 


Overall, we have met this outcome. But that doesn't mean we can't improve. It's a moral imperative to improve in the area of cultural and social foundations, particularly given the cultural foundations of injustice, income disparities and gender discrimination in Louisiana. Therefore, we have to constantly work on these issues in counseling. 

Research and Program Evaluation MET
Graduates will be able to utilize a variety of research methods, statistical procedures, needs assessments, and program evaluations designed to improve counselor effectiveness. 

Measures Results Actions

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. For this objective the outcome measure is subscale 7, Research and Program Evaluation. 

Direct - Exam (Certification/ Licensure) 


The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score that meets or exceeds that national mean on Subscale 8, Research. The target changes frequently as new iterations of the exam are constructed bi-annually. The potential score range is 1-17. 



Overall, our students continue to show progress and success in this area. 


Overall, we did better in this area than any other. The LSU mean =13.4 while the national CPCE research subscale mean=11.55. This subscale was our highest score and reflects years of working to push students to be strong consumers of research. We have also partnered consistently with our research librarian to promote student research understanding. MAJOR BRAGGING POINT: We have 8 students presenting research projects in two weeks at a conference. So research is definitely happening. 

Collaborate with another Department / Unit / Program 


We have also partnered consistently with our research librarian to promote student research understanding. 


Overall, our students continue to show progress and success in this area.

Ethical Practice MET
Graduates will be able to practice according to the codes of ethics, legal precedents, and professional standards of the counseling profession. 

Measures Results Actions

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) 

The CPCE is a norm-referenced, standardized test used as an exit exam by many counselor education programs across the country. The CPCE is based on the eight core areas of counselor training designated by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP): Human Growth and Development; Helping Relations; Social and Cultural Foundations; Group Work; Career and Lifestyle Development; Appraisal; Research and Program Evaluation; and Professional Orientation and Ethics. For this objective the outcome measure is Subscale 8, Professional Orientation & Ethics. 

Direct - Other 


The “Meets Expectation” target is a mean score that meets or exceeds that national mean on Subscale 1, Ethics for students taking the exam. The target changes frequently as new iterations of the exam are constructed bi-annually. The potential score range is 1-17. 



The LSU subscale Ethics mean 12.3 compared to the national Ethics subscale mean 11.0 


Our students did quite well in Ethics. The LSU subscale Ethics mean 12.3 compared to the national Ethics subscale mean 11.0 demonstrated that our students had a strong command of ethics and issues in counseling. However, we are aware that this does not mean they can improve. 

Additional Training 


Beginning in Summer 2024, students will begin taking a summer ethics refresher course with applied case studies to improve their knowledge and skill prior to field courses. The Ethics class is the first one in the program so this summer "rehash" will give them an opportunity to refresh before entering the field with clients. 

Recommended Due Date: 10/30/2023 

General Outcome Actions 


Additional Training Not Started 

Summer training module (applied ethical case studies) Recommended Due Date: 10/30/2023 



Although our students have performed well in this area historically and currently, we are going to provide mandatory additional training with new applied measures in summer 2024 to demonstrate that they are indeed prepared to ethically serve clients.