Graduate students wishing to access CTEP funds assume all responsibility for adhering to LSU Registrar guidelines. The School of Education requires these steps.
1. Discuss CTEP with your major professor/advisor for advising.
2. Obtain the ; secure district/school-level signatures (students ask home district for info).
3. Submit completed, signed form to ​any time before the final drop/add date. Applications are processed in the order they are received. Do NOT register for the
course if you plan to register using CTEP. Once registered, you are no longer eligible
for CTEP. However, if the course is full, you will not be added to the course even
if eligible for CTEP.
4. Send email to professor of record, notifying of your intent, obtaining syllabus,
initial readings/assignments so you will not fall behind due to the CTEP lag time
in registration. Monitor course enrollment and decide if CTEP is an option for you.
5. Follow up with, not School of Education, if you have questions about
your application.
6. Send Registrar's CTEP email notification of accepted application to instructor
of record.
7. Once notified by Registrar that you have been added to course, complete registration for your course.