
Lunch and Learn | Feb 8 | Dr. Ashley Clayton

Thursday, February 8

12:00-1:00 p.m.

219 Peabody


Featured Scholar: Dr. Ashley B. Clayton

Using Federal Datasets to Examine Educational Outcomes

Dr. Ashley Clayton is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Louisiana State University.  She earned her PhD in Educational Research and Policy Analysis (Higher Education) at North Carolina State University. Dr. Clayton’s research agenda broadly focuses on postsecondary outcomes for underrepresented student populations. Specifically, her research examines the barriers, systems, and policies that aid or inhibit postsecondary access and success for underrepresented student populations. 

In this presentation, Dr. Clayton will present an overview of the available datasets from the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) and how to obtain a restricted-use license.  She will provide examples of potential research questions that can be answered using federal data.  Lastly, she will discuss research studies she conducted utilizing various NCES datasets.