
Lunch & Learn with Curriculum Theory Project

November 14, 2017  |  310 Peabody Hall  |  Noon - 1 p.m.
Featured Scholar: Dr. Yu "April" Chen

Topic: Using Survey Data in Higher Education and Community College Research

LSU's Curriculum Theory Project hosts a Lunch and Learn series. Session #1 features Dr. Yu "April" Chen. In this presentation, Dr. Chen will discuss current trends of using survey data in higher education research. National survey instruments, longitudinal data sets and related sources will be introduced. Real episodes of developing survey instruments and using survey data will be included to supplement the discussion.

PDF Flyer | November 14, 2017 Lunch & Learn

About Dr. Chen

Dr. Yu (April) Chen is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at LSU. She received her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership (Higher Education) with a minor in Statistics from Iowa State University in 2014. Dr. Chen’s research expertise includes community college student success, international students, STEM education, and data driven decision-making. In 2017, she received a research grant awarded by Council for the Study of Community Colleges for studying factors influencing community college transfer students’ salary after they graduated with a bachelor degree. She also received a research grant from National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students for studying international students’ perceptions and experiences with community colleges. She has published in Community College Review, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, New Directions of Community Colleges, and Journal of College Student Retention.

April Chen Lunch and Learn Flyer