
Graduate Minor in Writing Pedagogy

Graduate Minor in Writing Pedagogy

Interested in becoming a more skilled, competent writer while you build your capacity as a writing teacher? The graduate minor in Writing Pedagogy is designed to deepen understanding of the teaching of writing pedagogy as well as extend personal practice as writers.

The knowledge and skill sets achieved in this program will enable you to:

  • Apply strategies for increasing personal writing productivity
  • Create engaging classroom writing experiences that develop student writers
  • Develop whole-school writing initiatives
  • Improve writing pedagogy capacity

Students interested in the graduate minor should meet with their advisor/major professor to design a Program of Study and fill out (as appropriate) a MEd, Educational Specialist or PhD Program of Study Form, to be kept on file with the advisor. 

Courses must be clearly delineated as to which hours count as major coursework and which as minor coursework. Graduate students minoring in writing pedagogy must complete 12 hours of coursework including:

  • Offered each Fall on select Saturdays.
  • Typically offered summers as the LSU Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute.

In addition, students must take one of the following:

Elementary education majors 


Secondary education majors


If appropriate and with approval of a student’s advisor/major professor, the final 3 hours may be taken specific to writing within the English Department. Of these courses, no more than three may be taken with the same professor.

For more information, please contact the School of Education at 225-578-6867 or Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell.