Elementary Grades Teacher Education Program

The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Grades Education is an interdisciplinary teacher education program designed to develop educators who will become effective professionals certified to teach in grades 1-5.

student helping young child


Undergraduate students may enter basic teacher education programs after 24 semester hours of college-level course work with a minimum 2.20 GPA, cumulative and LSU. Formal admission to a specific undergraduate teacher education program/concentration requires a 2.50 GPA, cumulative and LSU. Admission to upper division professional education courses (3000 level and above) is restricted to students who have been formally admitted to a teacher education program/concentration.

Students anticipating careers in teaching should contact the Office of Student Services, College of Human Sciences and Education, 236 Peabody Hall, to declare their interest and to obtain additional information. The variety of routes to teacher certification and specific general education requirements for all programs necessitate early and continuous advising by the Office of Student Services. 

Basic Requirements

Undergraduate teacher education students are required to meet the following requirements:

Admissions Requirements:

  • Minimum grade-point average of 2.50, cumulative and LSU

Retention Requirements:

  • Minimum grade-point average of 2.50, cumulative and LSU, for entry into and continuation in upper (3000/4000) level education courses, including student teaching

Degree Requirements:

  • Satisfactory completion of an approved program of study as determined by all of the following: faculty of the college in which the major/concentration resides, the University, the LSU P-12 Education Advisory Council, and the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Minimum GPA of 2.50 on all work completed, cumulative and LSU*
  • Passing scores on all required parts of the Praxis II Series
  • Grade of “C” or higher in course work as specified by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education 


Satisfactory scores on the PRAXIS Series are required for teacher certification by the state of Louisiana. Students in teacher education curricula or concentrations must pass all required sections of the PRAXIS Series prior to graduation.

* Undergraduate students should take the required PRAXIS II assessments during the last semester of course work prior to student teaching. 

Student Teaching

(For in-depth information about student teaching, visit the Office of Professional Experiences

Application for Student Teaching

Application for student teaching must be made to the Office of Student Services no later than three weeks after classes begin in the semester prior to student teaching. Late applicants cannot be guaranteed consideration. 

Requirements for Student Teaching

The student teaching semester is scheduled as an all-day, all-week experience. LSU requirements for the student teaching experience surpass the state minimum requirements of 270 clock hours, 180 of which must be actual teaching with a substantial portion thereof on an all-day basis.

All course requirements must be completed prior to student teaching, other than those courses requiring concurrent enrollment with student teaching. No student may schedule course work in addition to that required during the student teaching semester(s) without prior approval by the dean of the College of Human Sciences and Education through the Office of Student Services. Students are advised to schedule no more than 15 hours of employment weekly during student teaching. To be permitted to student teach, students must also meet the following requirements:

  • LSU and cumulative GPAs of 2.50 with no grade lower than “C” in professional education courses and in other courses as required for certification, regardless of institution(s) attended.
  • Proficiency in written expression. 

Curriculum in Elementary Grades Education*

*NOTE: Courses and curriculum are subject to change and students should check the current or appropriate general catalog year.

Freshman Year

Course Credit Hours
Critical: “C” or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1029 or 1021; 2.0 LSU & Cumulative GPA
BIOL 1001 3
ENGL 1001 3
HIST 2055 or 2057 8
MATH 1029 3
General Education course - Arts 3
BIOL 1002 [pre-req BIOL 1001] 3
BIOL 1005 [pre-req BIOL 1001 and C/R: BIOL 1002]  3
GEOL 1001 3
GEOL 1601 1
ENGL 2673 (or Other General Education Humanities English) 3
MATH 1021 3
POLI 2051 3

Sophomore Year 

Course Credit Hours

Critical: “C” or better in MATH 1201; 2.3 LSU & Cumulative GPA

ANTH 1003 or 2051 3
EDCI 2700 3
MATH 1201 3
HIST 3071 3
PHSC 1001 3
General Education Humanities English 3
EDCI 2030 3
EDCI 2400 3
ENGL 2000 3
MATH 1202 3
GEOG 2050 3
EDCI 2060 3

Junior Year 

Course Credit Hours

Critical: “C” or better in EDCI 2400 and EDCI 3000; 2.5 LSU & Cumulative GPA

Suggested: Complete PRAXIS II/Subject Assessment - Content Exams. Contact the CHSE Office of Student Services for exam information.

2.5 LSU/cum GPA 

EDCI 3003 3
EDCI 2273 3
EDCI 3137 3
EDCI 3200 6
EDCI4460 3
EDCI 3124 6
EDCI 3125 3
EDCI 3127 3
MATH 2203 3
ELRC 2507 3

Senior Year  

Course Credit Hours

2.5 LSU & Cumulative GPA Suggested: Complete PRAXIS II/Subject Assessment - Content Exams. Suggested: Complete PRAXIS II/Subject Assessment- Principles of Learning & Teaching. Contact the CHSE Office of Student Services for exam information.

All course requirements, except EDCI 2271, must be completed prior to student teaching. Must have passing scores on all required PRAXIS II/Subject Assessments to register for student teaching.

EDCI 4625 12
EDCI 4626 12


For more details, view the .

For more information, please contact: 

Office of Student Services
College of Human Sciences & Education
236 Peabody Hall
phone: 225-578-2331 

Teacher Education Disclosure

The Elementary Grades Education BS program meets the educational eligibility criteria for certification in Elementary Grades 1-5 in the State of Louisiana. Graduates of this Louisiana state-approved teacher preparation program will qualify for a Level 1 Professional Certificate. Graduates of the program who wish to teach in another U.S. state or country may require additional eligibility criteria to qualify for licensure and/or certification in those locations. We are unable to confirm the licensure and/or certification requirements of other states or countries. Therefore, if you intend to pursue such credentialing in another state or elsewhere, it is advised that you contact the applicable state or country credentialing authority to familiarize yourself with its specific requirements and determine if this program meets the applicable eligibility criteria. If you have additional questions in this regard, please contact us to assist you in your career planning.

Procedures for filing appeals and complaints are accessed here.