
LSU Distinguished Communicator Application

By submitting this application, you are taking the first step toward becoming a LSU Distinguished Communicator and we look forward to working with you!

If you have any questions about the materials needed for your application, please email cxc@lsu.edu. Once you have successfully completed the application, you will receive instructions about the next step in the process.

Students are required to join the program with at least three semesters left prior to graduation to ensure you can meet program requirements and get the experience you deserve. If you have questions about the three-semester application requirement or would like to appeal for a late application, please contact cxc@lsu.edu

If you have missed the deadline to apply for the Distinguished Communicator Medal Program, you may still be eligible for the LSU Communicator Certificate. For more information on the certificate, visit .

The Distinguished Communicator Medal is an undergraduate student recognition program.