Effort Reporting
As a recipient of federal funding, 51Âþ» is required to comply with the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, as well as other federal requirements, for certifying effort expended on sponsored awards. LSU requires all individuals who receive sponsored funding to comply with university policies and procedures, and sponsoring agency regulations regarding reporting of effort to awards.
Effort certification in Workday is an after-the-fact reflection of an employee’s workload percent distribution during a particular reporting period. All academic, professional, and classified employees whose salary is paid in whole or in part on a grant account will receive an effort certification on a quarterly basis. The employee (or their delegate) must verify the accuracy of effort percentages and certify that the information captured on the effort certification is a direct reflection of the work performed within the reporting period of certification.
Online Resources:
- job aid
- Effort Certification Schedules
If you have a question about your effort certification, please email effortassistance@lsu.edu.