
No-Cost Extensions | LSU Sponsored Program Accounting

No-Cost Extensions

No-cost extensions that can be approved internally should be routed to OSP via Geaux Grants. OSP must notify the Federal agency of extension requests at least 10 days before the expiration date of the agreement.  Please allow enough time for the request to be routed internally and proper written notification to be given to the sponsor.  

AgCenter PIs must complete the AgCenter Modification Request Form and send to SPA contact.

LSU can only grant one no-cost extension up to 12 months on agreements with expanded authority.  If a PI requests a six-month extension internally and additional time is subsequently required, the second request must be submitted by the PI to the sponsor through OSP.

No-cost extensions may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using the unobligated balance.

If a no-cost extension cannot be approved internally, the PI must route the request through OSP/Geaux Grants before sending the request to the sponsor.