Bob Blackmon Scholarship
At our 2021 Annual General Meeting, the Dr. Bob Blackmon Endowed Scholarship was established
at the Louisiana Forestry Foundation. Dr. Blackmon had a distinguished career at
LSU and served as the Director of the School of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries
(today School of Renewable Natural Resources). Anyone wishing to honor Dr. Blackmon
with a tax-deductible contribution to his named scholarship is invited to do so. Checks
should be written to the Louisiana Forestry Foundation and mailed to P. O. Box 5067,
Alexandria, LA 71307-5067
Please consider making a contribution of $10, $100, or $1,000 as your budget permits.
We encourage $100 contributions, which include combined membership in the SRNR/FWF
Alumni Association, the LSU College of Agriculture Alumni Association, and the LSU
Alumni Association. The LSU SRNR/FWF Alumni Association is an official chapter of
the LSU Alumni Association. Dues may be paid by credit card using the link below.
Our students, faculty, and staff are grateful for your support. Thank you.