Dr. Drew FowlerDr. Drew Fowler

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Unit Leader
USGS Louisiana Coop Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Office: 111 E.B. Doran Building 
Phone: 281-748-4856

Email: dfowler@agcenter.lsu.edu


  • Doctorate of Philosophy – Natural Resources, University of Missouri, 2018
  • Master of Science – Renewable Natural Resources, 51Âþ»­, 2013
  • Bachelor of Science – Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, 2010

Research Interests

Waterfowl ecology, wetland habitat management, wildlife management, landscape ecology

My overarching research efforts focus on the ecology and management of wetland dependent birds, particularly waterfowl, as well as the management and conservation of diverse wetland systems. In addressing the effects of anthropogenic impacts to wetlands as well as intentional management actions, my research lab takes a process-based approach to understand biotic and abiotic drivers that influence wetland function and how wetland dependent taxa in turn respond. 

To address research questions that have applied management implications, my students and I use a wide range of tools to collect and analyze data from both biotic and abiotic sources (e.g., satellite telemetry, stable-isotope markers, pressure transducers, spatial imagery, etc.)