Yue LiuDr. Yue Liu

Assistant Professor of Research

Assistant Director
Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center (AGGRC)

Room 108 AGGRC Bldg
2288 Gourrier Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70820

phone: 225-578-6257
email: yliu@agcenter.lsu.edu

Research Interests

  • Development of germplasm repositories for aquatic species
  • Interdisciplinary technologies (e.g., bioengineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, industrial engineering)
  • Fundamental and applied reproductive biology of aquatic species
  • Cryopreservation and cryobiology technologies
  • Open scientific hardware
  • Biology of fishes, amphibians, mollusks, and algae
  • Genetic resource management for biomedical species, aquaculture species, conservation of imperiled species, and fisheries management


  • Ph.D. Renewable Natural Resources (Aquaculture and Fisheries), 51Âþ»­ – 2018
  • M.S. Aquaculture, Shanghai Ocean University – 2013
  • B.S. Biotechnology, Jiujiang University – 2010

Courses Taught

  • RNR7029 – 3D Printing Farm Planning and Operation
  • RNR4061 – Independent Study


A Novel Disruptive Vitrification Technology for Expanding Global Markets for frozen Embryos and Gametes, LSU LIFT2 Fund, $75,000, 2022-present

Developing Generalizable Cryopreservation Pathways and Field Capabilities for Endangered Amphibians with the Axolotl (Ambystoma Mexicanum) as a Model, Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES), $31,750, 2022-present

Development of High Throughput Cryopreservation for Protection on Algal Genetic Resources in a National Repository System, LSUAC, $30,000, 2022-present


  1. Huene, A., Koch, J., Arregui, L., Liu, Y., Nicotra, M. L., Weis, V. M., Tiersch, T. R. (2022). Cryopreservation of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus sperm to support community-based repository development for preservation of genetic resources. Animals (In press).
  2. Zuchowicz, N., Liu, Y., Monroe, W. T., Tiersch, T. R. (2022). An automated modular open-technology device to measure and adjust concentration of sperm samples for cryopreservation. SLAS Technology (In press).
  3. Tiersch, N., Paulson, J., Liu, Y., Tiersch, T. R. (2022). A 3-D printed vitrification device integrated with French straws. Hardware X (In press).
  4. Belgodere, J. A., Liu, Y., Reich, E. L., Eades, J., Tiersch, T. R., Monroe, W. T. (2022). Development of a single-piece sperm counting chamber (SSCC) for aquatic species. Fishes, 7(5), 231.
  5. Harmon, R.E., Liu, Y., Shamkhalichenar, H., Browning, V., Savage, M., Tiersch, T.R., Monroe W.T. (2022). An open-hardware insemination device for small-bodied live-bearing fishes to support development of germplasm repository development. Animals. 12 (8), 961.
  6. Blackburn, H., Torres, L., Liu, Y., Tiersch, T.R. (2022). The need for a framework addressing the temporal aspects of fish sperm motility leading to community-level standardization. Zebrafish (In press). DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2022.0006
  7. Graham, C., H Shamkhalichenar, H., Browning, V., Byrd, V., Liu, Y., Gutierrez-Wing, M., Novelo, N., Choi, J., Tiersch, T.R. (2022). A practical evaluation of machine learning for classification of ultrasound images of ovarian development in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Aquaculture. 552, 738039.
  8. Zuchowicz, N., Belgodere, J., Liu, Y., Semmes, I., Monroe, W.T., Tiersch, T.R. (2022). Opportunities for supporting aquatic germplasm repositories by low-cost resin 3-D printing for prototyping of microfabricated devices. Fishes. 7(1), 49.
  9. Liu, Y., Monroe, W.T., Belgodere, J., Choi, J., Gutierrez-Wing, M.T., Tiersch, T.R. (2021). The emerging role of open technologies for community-based improvement of cryopreservation and quality management for repository development in aquatic species. Animal Reproduction Science (In press). DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2021.106871.
  10. Liu, Y., Eskridge, M., Guitreau, A., Beckham, J., Chesnut, M., Torres, L., Tiersch, T.R., Monroe, W.T. (2021). Development of an open hardware 3-D printed conveyor device for continuous cryopreservation of non-batched samples. Aquacultural Engineering. 95, 102202.
  11. Liu, Y., Lin, A., Tiersch, T.R., Monroe, W.T. (2021) A 3D printed vitrification device for storage in cryopreservation vials. Applied Sciences. 11(17):7977.
  12. Childress, W.M., Liu, Y., Tiersch, T.R. (2021). Design, alpha testing, and beta testing of a 3-D printed open-hardware portable cryopreservation device for aquatic species. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (in press). DOI: 10.1080/10454438.2021.1955805.
  13. Liu, Y., Ju, D., Tiersch, T.R., Wu, Q., Monroe, W.T. (2021). A 3-D printed device for measuring tensile properties of thermoplastic filament polymers at cryogenic temperatures. Cryogenics. 121, 103409.
  14. Liu, Y., Chesnut, M., Guitreau, A., Beckham, J., Melvin, A., Eades, J., Tiersch, T.R., Monroe, W.T. (2020). Technical Report: Microfabrication can provide low-cost customizable counting chambers for standardized estimation of sperm concentration. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 32(9) 873-878.
  15. Tiersch, C.J., Liu, Y., Tiersch, T.R., Monroe, W.T. (2020). 3-D printed customizable vitrification devices for preservation of genetic resources of aquatic species. Aquacultural Engineering, 90, 102097.
  16. Liu, Y., Blackburn, H., Taylor, S.S., Tiersch, T.R. (2019). Development of germplasm repositories to assist conservation of endangered fishes: examples from small-bodied livebearing fishes. Theriogenology, 135, 138-151.
  17. Liu, Y., Cheng, H., Tiersch, T.R. (2018). The role of alkalinization-induced Ca2+ influx in sperm motility activation of a viviparous fish Redtail Splitfin (Xenotoca eiseni). Biology of Reproduction, 99(6), 1159-1170. (Honored as a cover image)
  18. Liu, Y., Grier, H., Tiersch, T.R. (2018). Production of live young with cryopreserved sperm from the endangered livebearing fish the Redtail Splitfin (Xenotoca eiseni, Rutter, 1896). Animal Reproduction Science, 196, 77-90.
  19. Liu, Y., Torres, L., and Tiersch, T. R. (2018). Cryopreservation of sperm bundles (spermatozeugmata) from endangered livebearing Goodeids. Cryobiology, 82, 49-56.
  20. Liu, Y., Yang, H., Torres, L., Tiersch, T.R. (2018). Activation of free sperm and dissociation of sperm bundles (spermatozeugmata) of an endangered viviparous fish, Xenotoca eiseni. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 218, 35-45.
  21. Liu, Y., Torres, L., and Tiersch, T.R. (2018). Quality evaluation of sperm from livebearing fishes: Standardized assessment of sperm bundles (spermatozeugmata) from Xenotoca eiseni (Goodeidae). Theriogenology, 107, 50-56.
  22. Torres, L., Liu, Y., Guitreau, A., Yang, H., Tiersch, T.R. (2017). Challenges in development of sperm repositories for biomedical fishes: Quality control in small-bodied Species. Zebrafish, 14(6), 552-560.
  23. Li, X., Bai, Z., Luo, H., Liu, Y., Wang, G., Li, J. (2014). Cloning, differential tissue expression of a novel hcApo gene, and its correlation with total carotenoid content in purple and white inner-shell color pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Gene, 538(2), 258-265.
  24. Liu, Y., Bai, Z., Li, Q., Zhao, Y., Li, J. (2013). Healing and regeneration of the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii Lea after donating mantle saibos. Aquaculture, 392, 34-43.
  25. Zhao, Y., Bai, Z., Fu, L., Liu, Y., Wang, G., Li, J. (2013). Comparison of growth and pearl production in males and females of the freshwater mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii, in China. Aquaculture International, 21(6), 1301-1310.
  26. Jin, W., Li, J. L., Fu, L. L., Bai, Z. Y., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y. C. (2012). Genetic parameters estimates for growth straits in the earlier larva stage of Hyriopsis cumingii. Journal of Fisheries of China, 36, 1209-1214.
  27. Li, J. L., Liu, Y. (2011). The main influencing factors on the quality of cultured pearls. Journal of Fisheries of China, 35(11), 1753-1760.