Student Services

Helping Ag Students

Located at on LSU's main campus.

Hours of operation are ѴDzԻ岹–F岹 from 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Walk-in hours are from 8:30-11:30 am & 1:30-3:30 pm.

We can be reached by phone at 225-578-2065, or by email at

Academic Advising in the Office of Student Services

Students in the College of Agriculture can meet with a staff member in the Office of Student Services (OSS), or a faculty advisor, which refers to a faculty member in their respective academic program. 

Office of Student Services advisors can assist you with the following:

  • Assist with student problems, including advising, college, and/or CATS holds
  • Discuss academic appeals process (i.e., retroactive withdrawals/resignations, retake a course previously failed twice, incomplete grades, etc.)
  • Complete Online Distance Learning forms
  • Referrals to campus resources (e.g., Career Center, Center for Academic Success, etc.)
  • Provide holistic academic counseling

The following services can be submitted online (when available) or initiated by emailing

  • Invoking the
  • Submitting an application for
  • Requesting a
  • Changing a major within the College of Agriculture
  • Changing a concentration within the College of Agriculture
  • Adding or removing a minor
  • Changing your catalog year
  • Find out your class rank (available after the 14th class day)
  • Obtaining a copy of your degree audit


Faculty Advising

Faculty advisors are faculty members that assist students in understanding more about their academic programs, including opportunities available to them during and after their time at LSU.

Faculty advisors also assist students with course and schedule advising throughout their time at LSU. To see a full list of faculty advisors, view our faculty advisor page. You can schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor via the Navigate app or by emailing them directly.

How to Access OSS Advising

If the service you need necessitates meeting with an OSS advisor, you should email for assistance or schedule an appointment via Navigate. Our email is monitored 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m, ѴDzԻ岹–F岹.

If you prefer an appointment, you may schedule one via the Navigate app. By selecting “Academic Advising” -> College of Agriculture -> “Advising

Walk-in hours are from 8:30-11:30 am & 1:30-3:30 pm. 


LSU College of Agriculture
Dean's Office

Office hours:
8:00 am–4:30 pm