Sanaz S. Aghazadeh
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
Curriculum Vitae
PhD Business Administration / Accounting, University of Oklahoma, 2012
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Associate Professor
Department of Accounting
Curriculum Vitae
PhD Business Administration / Accounting, University of Oklahoma, 2012
Sanaz Aghazadeh received her Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma and her B.S. from LSU. Her research examines the judgment and decision making behavior of auditors. Specifically, she studies how auditor-client interactions impact audit effectiveness. Her research has been published in Accounting, Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and Behavioral Research in Accounting. She has been awarded grants from the Center for Audit Quality to complete her research on manager confidence. She received the 2019 Auditing Mid-Year Meeting Best Paper Award. At LSU, she is the recipient of the 2021 E. J. Ourso College of Business Research Excellence Award and the 2019 Outstanding Untenured Faculty Teaching Award. Prior to beginning her academic career, she provided internal auditing services for clients at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York City. She serves on the editorial review board of Behavioral Research in Accounting.
Aghazadeh, S., O. Brown, L. Guichard, K., T. Phillips. 2024. “The Effects of a Client’s
Social Media Disclosure and Audience Engagement on Auditor Judgment” Accounting, Organizations
and Society 113: 101564. .
Aghazadeh, S., K. Hoang, C. Nolder. 2024. “Auditors’ Work Attitudes: Translating Auditor
JDM Research Findings to Inform Audit Firms’ Strategies.” Accounting Horizons. 1:
1-12. Aghazadeh, S. S., Dodgson, M. K., Kang, Y. J., Peytcheva, M. 2023 “Knowledge Creation
and Conversion between the National Office and Engagement Teams: Experiences of Audit
Firm Partners.” Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 42 (3): 1–23. .
Aghazadeh, S., & Joe, J. R. (2022). Auditors' response to management confidence and
misstatement risk. Accounting Organizations and Society, 101, 101348. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2022.101348
Aghazadeh, S., Y.J. Kang, and M. Peytcheva. 2023 “Auditors’ scepticism in response
to audit committee oversight behaviour.” Accounting & Finance 63 (2): 2013-2034.
Aghazadeh, S., Brown, J. O., Guichard, L., & Hoang, K. (2022). Persuasion in Auditing:
A Review Through the Lens of the Communication-Persuasion Matrix. European Accounting
Review, 31(1), 1-28. doi:10.1080/09638180.2020.1863243
Aghazadeh, S., K. Hoang, and B. Pomeroy. 2022. “Using LIWC to Analyze Participants’
Psychological Processing in Accounting JDM Research.” Auditing: A Journal of Practice
and Theory 41 (3): 1–20.
Aghazadeh, S., Dodgson, M. K., Kang, Y. J., & Peytcheva, M. (2021). Revealing Oz:
Institutional Work Shaping Auditors' National Office Consultations. Contemporary Accounting
Research, 38(2), 974-1008. doi:10.1111/1911-3846.12655
Aghazadeh, S., & Hoang, K. (2020). How does audit firm emphasis on client relationship
quality influence auditors’ inferences about and responses to potential persuasion
in client communications?. Accounting Organizations and Society, 87, 101175. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2020.101175
Aghazadeh, S., Collins, A. M., & Stefaniak, C. M. (2020). The Effects of Client Status
and the Auditor's Presentation of Multiple Estimation Alternatives on Client Financial
Reporting Aggressiveness. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 32(2), 1-14. doi:10.2308/bria-19-025
Teaching Interests: Auditing and Cost Accounting
Research Interests: Judgment and decision making, specifically as they relate to the
audit profession.
Other; Forbes Insights and KPMG; Audit 2020: A Focus on Change; 2015
Magazine;; Unfriendly Persuasion by CFOs Could Spur Faulty Audits; 2015