Mendoza, S.A. & Caleo, S. (upcoming). Diversifying the Police through the Tenets of
Intergroup Contact Theory, Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 2.
Heilman, M. E, Caleo, S., and Manzi, F. (2024). Women at work: Pathways from gender
stereotypes to gender bias and discrimination. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology
and Organizational Behavior, 11: 165-192.
Heilman, M. E, Manzi, F., and Caleo, S. (2019). Updating impressions: The differential
effects of new information on evaluations of women and men. Organizational Behavior
and Human Decision Processes, 152, 105-121.
Caleo, S. and Heilman, M. E (2019). What could go wrong? Some unintended consequences
of gender bias interventions. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 7, 71-80.
Caleo, S. (2018). When distributive justice and gender stereotypes coincide: Reactions
to equity and equality violations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 257-268.
Caleo, S. (2018). Research framing, victim blaming: Toward an empirical examination
of victim precipitation and perpetrator predation paradigms. Industrial and Organizational
Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(1), 134-137.
Heilman, M. and Caleo, S. (2018). Combatting gender discrimination: A lack of fit
framework. Group Processes and lntergroup Relations, 21, 725-744.
Caleo, S. (2016). Are organizational justice rules gendered? Reactions to men's and
women's justice violations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10), 1422-1435.
Whitman, D. S., Caleo, S., Carpenter, N., Horner, M., and Bernerth, J. (2012). Fairness
at the collective level: A meta-analytic examination of the consequences and boundary
conditions of organizational justice climate. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3),
Van Rooy, D. L, Whitman, D. S, Hart, D., and Caleo, S. (2011). Measuring employee
engagement during an economic downturn: Business imperative or nuisance?. Journal
of Business and Psychology, 26, 147-152.
Heilman, M. E., Caleo, S., and Halim, M. L. (2010). Just the thought of it!: Effects
of anticipating computer-mediated communication on gender stereotyping. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 672-675.
Guidry, A. Renee and Caleo, S. (2021, ). The Person You Mean to Be (How Good People
Fight Bias) by Dolly Chugh . Presented at 51Âþ», Office of Diversity
Chat & Chew Lecture Series sponsored by 51Âþ», Baton Rouge, LA.
Heilman, M. E and Caleo, S. (2017). Gender discrimination in the workplace In Adrienne
Collela and Eden King (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Workplace Discrimination
Caleo, S. and Heilman, M. E. (2014). Is this a man's world? Obstacles to women's success
in male-typed domains In Ronald Burke and Debra Major (Ed.), Gender in Organizations
(pp. 217-233).
Caleo, S. and Heilman, M. E. (2013). Gender stereotypes and their implications for
women's career progress In Susan Vinnicombe, Ronald Burke, Stacy Blake-Beard, and
Lynda Moore (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers (pp. 143-161).
Teaching Interests: Organizational Behavior, Research Methods, Human Resource Management
Research Interests: Organizational justice, Workplace diversity, Stereotyping and
Outstanding Untenured Professor Teaching Award, E. J. Ourso College of Business, 2018