Resources for Student Organizations


Understanding the importance of student engagement, the E. J. Ourso College of Business provides support resources for its student organizations. This page details these resources and opportunities.

For questions about these resources or student organizations/engagement, please contact Student Outreach & Engagement Coordinator Angela Guidry.


Business Student Organizations Support Fund

The Business Student Organizations Support Fund provides financial support to business-focused student organizations officially recognized by LSU and affiliated with the E. J. Ourso College of Business. The funds will be allocated to aid with educational, networking, and professional development opportunities. The Fund is intended to supplement the organizations’ existing resources, providing vital support for initiatives that, without additional funding support, might exceed the organizations' capacity to participate. The flexibility of the funding allows for utilization across various purposes, encompassing but not limited to guest speaker fees, leadership training or certifications, conference registration or travel, and other related endeavors that contribute to student growth and development.

While the fund was designed to support a wide range of initiatives, it prioritizes those demonstrating a potential impact, benefiting not only the specific student organization applying for funding but also contributing to the broader student community. Proposals emphasizing activities that can enrich the college as a whole, fostering a shared benefit for all students, will be given favorable consideration. This preference aligns with the college’s commitment to promoting collective growth and development, echoing our broader mission of cultivating and inspiring future leaders dedicated to innovative problem-solving and positive societal impact.

  • Only officially business-focused student organizations affiliated with the E. J. Ourso College of Business are eligible to apply. Collaboration with other student groups, academic departments, or external entities is encouraged to maximize the impact of proposed initiatives.

  • The amount and number of awards each fiscal year will be determined by the Dean or the Dean’s designee(s).

  • Awards are granted on a first-come, first-served basis until funding for the fiscal year is exhausted.

  • Organizations may apply for multiple awards, but each funding opportunity will be evaluated separately, and past participation may be considered in award decisions.

  • Organizations that receive an award must submit a follow-up report to the Dean or the Dean’s designee(s) within 30 days following the use of funds, detailing the outcomes, benefits, and challenges associated with the initiative. The report should also include financial documentation demonstrating how the funds were utilized.

  • All student organizations seeking funding must submit a funding request.

  • Funding requests must include a detailed description of the proposed initiative and its expected outcomes and benefits. Proposals should also demonstrate alignment with the organization's and the college’s missions and describe any partnerships or collaborations with other student groups, academic departments, or external entities.

  • A breakdown of anticipated expenses must be provided, including registration fees, travel, accommodations, materials, etc. All initiatives for which a student organization seeks funding must be communicated to and approved by the organization’s members and faculty advisor.

  • The Dean or the Dean’s designee(s) will review funding requests. Decisions are based on alignment with the organization's and college’s missions, the potential impact on the student organization’s members and the broader student community, and fund availability.

  • Funds will be distributed as a reimbursement to individual students or faculty advisors with proper documentation for the expense and payment in accordance with LSU and policies and procedures. Paying an invoice directly for a specific expense (e.g., speaker’s fee) may also be possible if it does not exceed the funding amount awarded.

  • Submissions for travel and event expenses must be made at least four weeks in advance for comprehensive review and approval. Note: Student organizations traveling with the assistance of LSU Funds must first receive authorization to travel and register for Trip Travel insurance from LSU Risk Management (per LSU Campus Life Registered Student Organization Handbook.)

The Business Student Organizations Support Fund may NOT provide funds for the following:

  • To support a program or event where alcohol is present

  • To purchase gifts, gift cards, prizes, awards, trophies, or anything of the like

  • To purchase clothing

  • To purchase decorations for events, including flowers

  • To purchase alcohol

Funds are solely for the approved purpose and must adhere to all state purchasing guidelines. Any deviation from the authorized use of funds must be communicated (via email to Angela Guidry, student engagement & outreach coordinator) for approval. Failure to adhere to terms may result in withholding future funding and other appropriate actions.