Tools and Resources

CEDS is developing advanced systems-based models for the assessment of effects of climate change and associated sea level rise, oil transport and fate, and the Gulf dead zone. Direct benefits include better understanding of the dynamic, interrelated processes of natural and human systems and the ability to analyze impacts to the overall system at the coastal land margin. Extensive interdisciplinary research experience enables the CEDS to effectively collaborate with natural and social scientists, engineers, government agencies, and stakeholders. Together we produce transdisciplinary results and provide effective tools and products that enhance coastal resiliency. Research and outreach activities target the northern Gulf of Mexico (with particular focus on Louisiana and including Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle). Our tools available for use are below.

Organizational and Agency Resources


Baton Rouge Area Foundation


The Center for Climate Strategies

Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy

The Center for Planning Excellence

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

The Federal Emergency Management Agency

Global Green USA

The Greater New Orleans Community Data Center

The Greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance

The Louisiana Community Education & Outreach Program

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

The Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness

The Northshore Community Foundation

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development

The USDA Rural Development

The USGS National Wetlands Research Center