
Wanda  Hargroder 

Associate Professor, Professional Practice (retired)

Bachelor's Degree: Zoology, 51, 1972

Master's Degree: Kinesiology, 51, 1988

PhD: School of Leadership and Human Resource Development, 51, 2007

Phone: 225-578-7178

Email: whargro@lsu.edu

Office: 2221 HPL Field House


Dr. Hargroder teaches Human Anatomy Lecture and both the human anatomy computer and cadaver labs. She is heavily involved in Service-Learning on the LSU campus as she teaches one course and was selected as an LSU Service-Learning Faculty Scholar in 2010. The service-learning class has two local community partners Southdowns Elementary and Arlington Preparatory Academy where LSU students engage with students with various forms of disabilities. As Director of the Human Movement Concentration Internship Program she has successfully placed and supervised hundreds of undergraduate student interns as they prepare for application into varied medical programs. She was instrumental in the acquisition of a human cadaver lab on the LSU campus the only one its kind in the region. This lab allows undergraduates to work and study human cadaveric specimens which are opportunities usually allowed only to students enrolled in medical programs. Nationally Dr. Hargroder has served on the Board of Directors of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society for the last three years. Her University service includes serving as a Chair for Hearing Panels held by the LSU Office for Student Advocacy and Accountability; Faculty Senate; College of Education Service-Learning Committee; College of Education Courses and Curricula Committee; Summer Scholars Selection Committee; College of Education Awards Committee; and Faculty Advisor for numerous campus academic and social organizations. Community engagement is a passion of Dr. Hargroder’s as she serves on the Board of Directors of the Baton Rouge Arc having served as the President in 2004. She remains on the Advisory Board of the Inclusive Recreation Program sponsored by the Baton Rouge Arc and Baton Rouge Parks and Recreation Department. She has served the last three years on the Fed Ex Plane Pull Committee a fund-raiser for the Arc and has spoken on behalf of the Arc at local United Way events. Additionally Dr. Hargroder is a consultant for Camp Shriver an annual camp held in Baton Rouge for children and adults with special needs.

Awards & Honors

Campus Federal Credit Union Travel Grant, 2011

Office of Research and Economic Development Faculty Travel Grant, 2011

Tiger Athletic Foundation Teacher of the Year

Two-time recipient of the College of Education Teacher of the Year Award

Alpha Lambda Delta Award for Outstanding Instruction Given to Freshman Students

LSU Service-Learning Scholar

Selected Publications

Totora, G.J., and Nielsen, M.T. Principles of Anatomy (12th Ed.), Contributor, 2011

Acquisition/Use of Anatomical Material (Human Body Parts) for Research Purposes, Louisiana State University, 2010

Selected Presentations

“Internships, Relationships, Scholarship,” Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, Victoria, British Columbia, May, 2011

“Challenges and Expectations of College,” LSU Spring Invitational, April, 2011

“Writing Exam Questions: Conventional and Contrarian Views”, Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2008