

Dennis Landin


Bachelor's Degree(s): Psychology, Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA 1974.

Master's Degree: Physical Education, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 1979.

PhD: Physical Education, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 1984.

Other Degrees: Teaching Certification, 1977 Health & Physical Education, West Chester University, West Chester, PA

Phone: 225-578-2916

Fax: 225-578-3680

Email: dlandin@lsu.edu

Office: 101 Huey P. Long Field House


Dr. Landin has been a member of the Kinesiology faculty at LSU for over 20 years. His teaching responsibilities center on human anatomy and he is the coordinator of the anatomy curriculum.  The specific classes he teaches are Human Anatomy lecture, Neuromotor Control of Human Movement, Cadaver Prosection, Cadaver Dissection, and Anatomy and Functional Impairment.  He has received a variety of teaching awards, most of which have been initiated by students in the School. Landin’s research follows two tracks, musculoskeletal dynamics and clinic anatomy, which focus on both normal and injured populations. His graduate students are either certified athletic trainers (ATC), physical therapists or hold licensure in both disciplines.  He is an active member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Athletic Training Association (as a research affiliate), and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance in which he is a Fellow of the Research Consortium.

Selected Publications

Coulon C, Landin D.  (2012).  Lyme disease as an underlying cause of supraspinatus tendinopathy, Physical Therapy, 2012, 92 (5), 740-47.

Landin, D. and Thompson, M. (2011). The role of the triceps brachii in shoulder extension.  Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 21, 161-165.

Thompson, MD, Landin, D., Page, PA. (2011).  Dynamic Acromiohumeral Interval Changes in Baseball Players During Scaption Exercises. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 20 (2) 251-258.

Selected Presentations

Reid M, Landin D, Thompson M.  (2013).  Hip flexion function of the rectus femoris.  Paper presented at the annual SEACSM Conference, Greenville, SC.   

Thompson MD, Landin DL, Page P:  (2010).  Scapular Upward Rotation and Acromiohumeral Interval Changes in Collegiate Baseball Players During a Weighted and Un-Weighted Scaption Exercise.  Presented at the NATA National Conference, Philadelphia, June 2010.

 Landin, D. and Thompson, M.  (2009). Contribution of the Deltoid to the Early Stages of Shoulder Abduction. Paper presented at the 2009 ACSM Conference, Seattle, WA.  May, 2009.