
PhD in Kinesiology

Motor Behavior

Engaging in research focused on the learning and performance of coordinated movement, the Motor Behavior specialization also prepares students for careers as practitioners, researchers, and scholars. 


Prepare students for professions concerned with the learning and performance of motor skills; and engage in research investigating biomechanical factors underlying the coordination and control of motor skills with particular emphasis on gait control and rehabilitation.

Motor Control

Prepare students for professions concerned with the learning and performance of motor skills; and engage in research investigating the neural processes underlying the performance of motor skills with particular emphasis on coordination, movement accuracy, and rehabilitation.

Motor Development

Prepare students for professions concerned with the learning and performance of motor skills; and engage in research investigating the neural and behavioral processes underlying the performance of motor skills of people of all ages.

Motor Learning

Prepare students for professions concerned with the learning or re-learning of motor skills; and engage in research investigating the processes underlying the learning of motor skills and intervention strategies to facilitate the learning or re-learning of motor skills. 

Admission requirements

Students must submit an application to the Graduate School and meet at least Graduate School admission requirements.

Course requirements

This is a list of suggested courses and should be viewed as a model program rather than a required course list. Students should consult with counselors and faculty advisor(s) as to which coursework plan that will prepare them to meet their goals.

The school-level academic course plan for each student will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.

The curricular requirements include:

  • Seventy-five credit hours at the graduate level must be earned including a maximum of 12 credit hours for the dissertation
  • At least 27 credit hours at the 7000 level or above, exclusive of any type of independent study
  • A primary area consisting of a minimum of 15 credit hours in a specified field of study 
  • A minimum core requirement of 12 credit hours in research design, methodology, and analysis (KIN 7900, EXST 7003, EXST 7013 or equivalents, and one research course specific to the area of specialization). 

Recommended Courses

KIN 7900 Introduction to Research Methods (3)
KIN 8900 Independent Research (9)
KIN 9000 Dissertation (9)
EXST 7003, EXST 7004, or EXST 7005 Statistics—I (4)
EXST 7013, EXST 7014, or EXST 7015 Statistics—II (4)
EXST 7037 Multivariate Statistics (3)
Minor courses (12-18) A minor can be internal (one in a different graduate division) or external (one in a different department). 

Select at least 15 hours from the following

KIN 4512 Lifespan Motor Development
KIN 4571 Neuromotor Control of Human Movement
KIN 7508 Analysis of Human Movement
KIN 7510 Motor Learning
KIN 7512 Motor Control
KIN 7517 Advanced Topics in Motor Control
KIN 7526 Advanced Topics in Biomechanics
KIN 7532 Advanced Topics in Motor Learning
KIN 7999 Seminar in Selected Topics in Kinesiology

Select Electives related to research focus. Electives, including KIN 4900 Independent Study and KIN 7505 Problems in Kinesiology, will be selected on the basis of agreement between the student and the student’s advisor. Courses required for the minor will be based on agreement between the student and the student’s minor professor. Each of these agreements is subject to approval by the student’s PhD committee.
***Students must earn at least 75 graduate credit hours


Contact Us

Jan Hondzinski, PhD
Phone: 225-578-9144



Program Area Faculty





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