
Become an approved MSW Field Placement Site

and depends on agencies and social workers to collaborate with programs of social work to provide experiential learning opportunities for students to learn the role of social work in a variety of areas. Field Education also provides many benefits in the agency setting and to the Field Supervisor. We need you!

Benefits of becoming an agency field partner:

  • Students provide 480 hours of services in the agency setting
  • Students can provide additional services to clients that social workers often cannot provide due to time and billing constraints
  • Serve as an on-the-job training and evaluation for potential employees
  • Students engage in providing client services for individuals, families, and groups
  • Students assist with updating community resources, current literature reviews, grant writing, research, and client assessments
  • Faculty expertise provided through the Faculty Liaison assigned to the agency
  • Over 20 hours of free continuing education provided each year to all approved agency supervisors, including BACS, clinical, ethics, and general
  • Opportunity to engage in cutting edge research and evidence-informed best practice

Interested in learning more about becoming a partner and hosting LSU interns?

Please email Clarissa Johnson for more information.