

Wesley T. Church II, PhD. LMSW

J. Franklin Bayhi Endowed Professor

Office: 237 Huey P. Long Field House
Phone: 225-578-0467
E-mail: wesleyc@lsu.edu


PhD, Social Work, University of Utah, 2003
MSW, Social Work, University of Utah, 2000
BA, History, University of Utah, 1994

Selected Publications

Hooper, L. M., Tomek, S., Jaggers, J., Church, W. T., Idago, C, Williams, J, & Bolland J.M.  (2017) Changes in perceived levels of environmental stress before and after a suicide attempt in Black American Adolescents: An eleven-year longitudinal study. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 39, 242-262. doi:10.17744/mehc.39.3.05

Chaney, C. & Church, W. T. (2017). Islam in the 21st Century:  How the Islamic belief system aligns with the Ethics of Social Work.  Journal of Religion and Spirituality on Social Work. 36 (1-2), 25-47.

Robison, S., Jaggers, J., Rhodes, J., Blackmon, B., & Church, W. T.  (2017) Correlates of educational success: Predictors of school dropout and graduation for urban students in the Deep South.  Children and Youth Services Review, 73 (Feb 2017), 37-46.

Jaggers, J., Bolland, A. C., Tomek, S., Church, W. T., Hooper, L. M., Bolland, K. A, & Bolland, J. M. (2017).  Does biology matter in parent-child relationships? Examining parental warmth among poor adolescents.  Journal of Family Issues, 38 (2), 225-247

Bolland, K. A., Bolland, A. C., Bolland, J. M., Church, W. T., Hooper, L. M., Jaggers, J. W., & Tomek, S.  (2016). Trajectories of school and community connectedness in adolescence by gender and delinquent behavior.  Journal of Community Psychology, 44, 602-619. 

Jaggers, J., Prattini, R., & Church W. T.  (2016). Traumatic stress among seriously delinquent youth: Considering the consequences of neighborhood circumstance.  American Journal of Community PsychologyDOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12076

Tomek, S., Bolland, K. A., Bolland, J. M., Hooper, L. M., Church, W. T., & Bolland, A. C. (2016) Age of alcohol initiation matters: Gender differences in the recency and frequency of adolescent alcohol use. Youth & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X16662749

Jaggers, J. W., Bolland, A. C., Tomek, S., Bolland, K. A., Hooper, L. M., Church, W. T., & Bolland, J. M. (2016). The longitudinal impact of distal, non-familial relationships on parental monitoring: Implications for delinquent behavior. Youth and Society. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X15602415

Barthelemy, J.J., Chaney, C., & Church, W. T. (2016). A BRAVE approach to community policing: Reducing violence through improved relationships with law enforcement. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26 (3-4), 413-429.

Pollio, D. E., MacNeil, G., *Womack, B., *Brazeal, M., & Church W. T. (2016).  Integrating theory and methods in a first year doctoral sequence/program.  Journal of Social Work Education. DOI:10.1080/10437797.2016.1174630

Jaggers, J. W., Robison, S., Rhodes, J., Guan, X, & Church, W. T.  (2016). Predicting adult criminality among Louisiana’s urban youth: Poverty, academic risk, & delinquency. Journal of the Society of Social Work and Research, 7 (1), 89-116.


Selected Presentations

Community Policing and the use of Deadly Force.  Wesley T. Church II, PhD, Chief Carl Dabadie, John Nosacka, Michael Mitchell, & Mike Mitchell, JD.  Leaders with Vision speaker series/public policy forum, October 20, 2016.

Scheyett, A., Church, W. T., Caine, D., & Vandiver, V. (2017). Southern Struggles: Poverty, Race, and Stigma in Southern Schools of Social Work.  Paper presentation to the Annual meeting of the Council on Social Work Education for 2017 conference proceedings.

Church W.T. & Jaggers, J. W. (2017).  Traumatic Stress among Seriously Delinquent Youth: Considering the Consequences of Neighborhood Circumstances. Paper presentation to the 2017 International Academy of Law and Mental Health.

Church W.T. (2017). An Analysis of Readmission of Participants of Mental Health Court. Paper presentation to the 2017 International Academy of Law and Mental Health.

Church W.T. & Jaggers, J. W. (2017).  Adolescent Development and Parental Warmth: A Family Systems Perspective.  Paper presentation to the 2017 annual meeting for The Society for Social Work and Research.

Church, W. T. & Jaggers, J. W. (2016).  Environmental Influences of Parental Monitoring: Gendered Effects in a Low Income Sample of AdolescentsPaper presentation to the 2016 annual meeting for The Society for Social Work and Research.