
Computer Science Research Seminar

February 26, 2018 at 11 am in 3107 Patrick F. Taylor Hall


Speaker: Yup Sangki, Hewlett Packard Labs

Title: Toward Reliable Sensing, Tracking, and Networking for IoT


Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is a smart infrastructure and service technology that enables promising applications such as smart home and factory, autonomous driving, and smart healthcare. However, realizing them imposes new challenges. New applications such as location based service and smart health monitoring require new sensing and tracking capability with high accuracy. Also, due to the huge growth in the number of IoT devices, wireless bandwidth shortage as well as the heterogeneity issue become more important problems.

In this talk, I introduce my past research to address these challenges. First, I introduce mobile acoustic sensing and tracking techniques. Analyzing the audio signal in inaudible frequency range, it can accurately track the movement of the mobile device, drone, and finger. It can turn our smartphone and bare hand into motion based controller, which is useful for smart home and AR/VR devices applications. Second, I introduce wireless access technologies that increases wireless spectrum efficiency and addresses the heterogeneity issue. I present a new LTE/WiFi co-existence technique that make the receiver decode both LTE and WiFi signals when they interfere with each other. Also, I introduce a 60 GHz/WiFi link aggregation technique that extends the wireless capacity using mmWave channel while reliably supporting traffic with WiFi. Finally, I will conclude the talk by presenting my future research agenda in IoT and networking based on my past experiences.


Bio: Sangki Yun is a research staff in IoT, Mobility, and Networking Group at Hewlett Packard (HPE) Labs. He received his PhD in Computer Science department at the University of Texas at Austin in 2016, where he was advised by Prof. Lili Qiu. His research interests broadly lie in mobile systems and computer networks. He has published over 30 papers in international journals and conferences including ACM MobiCom, MobiSys, MobiHoc, and IEEE INFOCOM. In HPE Labs, he is focusing on enterprise wireless network management, indoor localization, and IoT access gateway design. He worked as a research intern with Microsoft Research and Microsoft Research Asia in 2013 and 2007, respectively.