
Seminar: Cybersecurity           

Cory Hall Frank Gruman

Cory Hall                             Frank Gruman

MITRE Coroporation                                    DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3)

Thursday February 2, 2023 | 12:00 pm

Patrick F. Taylor Hall | Room 1236 

Abstracts –

Cory will talk about the role of the MITRE Corporation (mitre.org) and what it is like to work in the public interest to tackle significant problems through research and systems engineering. Cory will talk about his volunteer work for the US charity Project VIC International (projectvic.org) and show how engineers are making a difference to find and rescue children from abuse. Lastly, Cory will talk about the Cyber Domain Ontology (cyberdomainontology.org) open source project that is creating a unified analytic capability across the cyber domain of discourse.

Frank will introduce DC3 and its capabilities in support of digital forensics to the law enforcement and counterintelligence communities across the Department of Defense, Federal, State, and Local communities. In addition to that, DC3 is heavily invested in working on open standards and collaboration with the open source community to strengthen the ability of cyber investigators to ferret out and apprehend cyber criminals.  Having worked in private industry and then as both a contractor to and direct employee of the federal government, Frank will be able to discuss the dichotomy present in choosing public service versus private industry when choosing a career path.