Ibrahim Baggili
Professor of Computer Science & Cybersecurity
3272B Patrick F Taylor Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Technology with emphasis on Cyber Forensics and Cybersecurity, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2009
M.Sc. with distinction in Information Technology with emphasis on Mobile Device Programming, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2005
B.Sc. with distinction in Information Teelecom and Networking, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2002
A.Sc. with distinction in Computer Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2001
Research Interests
Cyber Forensics, Cybersecurity, Cyber Psychology, XR Deception
Teaching Responsibilities
CSC 2700: Intro to Digital Forensics
CSC 4700/7700: Research Trends in Cybersecurity and Forensics
Selected Publications
Last names tagged with "*" are mentored students, last names tagged with + are colleagues, and last names tagged with u are from underrepresented groups in computing.
C = Proceedings, J = Journal, W = White Paper.
[C] Mahr*, A., Serafin*, R., Grajeda+, C., & Baggili, I. (2022). Auto-Parser: Android Auto and Apple CarPlay Forensics. In International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (pp. 52-71). Springer, Cham.
[J] Thomas*, T., Edwards*, T., & Baggili, I. (2022). BlockQuery: Toward forensically sound cryptocurrency investigation. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 40, 301340.
[C] Yasuhara+, K., Walnycky*, D., Baggili, I., & Alhishwan*, A. (2022). The Amorphous Nature of Hackers: An Exploratory Study. Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law.
[J] Vondracek*, M., Baggili, I., Casey*, P., & Mekni+, M. (2022). Rise of the Metaverse’s
Immersive Virtual Reality Malware and the Man-in-the-Room Attack & Defenses. Computers
& Security, 102923.
[C] Zurowski*, S., Lord*, G., & Baggili, I. (2022, August). A Quantitative Analysis
of Offensive Cyber Operation (OCO) Automation Tools. In Proceedings of the 17th International
Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1-11).
[J] Johnson*u, H., Volk*, K., Serafin*, R., Grajedau, C., & Baggili, I. (2022). Alt-tech social forensics: Forensic analysis of alternative social networking applications. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 42, 301406.
[C] Edwards*u, T., McCullough*u, S., Nassar+, M., & Baggili, I. (2022). On Exploring the Sub-domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model Forensics. In International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (pp. 35-51). Springer, Cham.
[J] Wang*, E., Zurowski*, S., Duffy*, O., Thomas*, T., & Baggili, I. (2022). Juicing V8: A primary account for the memory forensics of the V8 JavaScript engine. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 42, 301400.
[J] Thomas*, T., Piscitelli*, M., Nahar*, B. A., & Baggili, I. (2021). Duck Hunt: Memory forensics of USB attack platforms. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 37, 301190
[J] McCullough*u, S., Abudu*u, S., Onwubuariri*u, E., & Baggili, I. (2021). Another brick in the wall: An exploratory analysis of digital forensics programs in the United States. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 37, 301187
[C] Sitterer*, A., Dubois*, N., & Baggili, I. (2021, August). Forensicast: A Non-intrusive Approach & Tool For Logical Forensic Acquisition & Analysis of The Google Chromecast TV. In The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1-12)
[C] Balon*, T., Herlopian*, K., Baggili, I., & Grajeda-Mendez+u, C. (2021, August). Forensic Artifact Finder (ForensicAF): An Approach & Tool for Leveraging Crowd-Sourced Curated Forensic Artifacts. In The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1-10). BEST PAPER AWARD
[J] Mahr, A., Cichonu, M., Mateou, S., Grajedau, C., & Baggili, I. (2021). Zooming into the pandemic! A forensic analysis of the Zoom application. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 36, 301107
[J] Hassenfeldt*u, C., Jacques*u, J., & Baggili, I. (2020). Exploring the Learning Efficacy of Digital Forensics Concepts and Bagging & Tagging of Digital Devices in Immersive Virtual Reality. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 33, 301011
[J] Thomas*, T., Piscitelli*, M., Shavrov*, I., & Baggili, I. (2020). Memory FORESHADOW:
Memory FOREnSics of HArDware CryptOcurrency wallets–A Tool and Visualization Framework.
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 33, 301002
[C] Baggili, I., Behzadan+, V. Founding The Domain of AI Forensics. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI 2020) (pp. 31-35)
[C] Hassenfeldt*u, C., Baig*u, S., Baggili, I., & Zhang*, X. (2019, August). Map My Murder: A Digital Forensic Study of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (p. 42). ACM
[J] Sanchez*u, L., Grajeda*u, C., Baggili, I., & Hall+, C. (2019). A Practitioner Survey Exploring the Value of Forensic Tools, AI, Filtering, & Safer Presentation for Investigating Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). Digital Investigation, 29, S124-S142
[C] Wu+u, T., Breitinger+, F., & Baggili, I. (2019, August). IoT Ignorance is Digital Forensics Research Bliss: A Survey to Understand IoT Forensics Definitions, Challenges and Future Research Directions. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (p. 46). ACM
[J] Casey, P*., Lindsay-Decusati*u, R., Baggili, I., & Breitinger+, F. (2019). Inception: Virtual Space in Memory Space in Real Space–Memory Forensics of Immersive Virtual Reality with the HTC Vive. Digital Investigation, 29, S13-S21
[J] Ricci*, J., Baggili, I., & Breitinger+, F. (2019). Blockchain-Based Distributed Cloud Storage Digital Forensics: Where's the Beef?. IEEE Security & Privacy, 17(1), 34-42
[J] Zhang*, X., Grannis*, J., Baggili, I., & Beebe+u, N. L. (2019). Frameup: An incriminatory attack on storj: A peer to peer blockchain enabled distributed storage system. Digital Investigation
[J] Casey*, P., Baggili, I., & Yarramreddy*, A. (2019). Immersive Virtual Reality Attacks and the Human Joystick. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Awards and Honors
Order of Thor Medal, Military Cyber Professionals Academy (MCPA) - 2023
Connecticut Civilian Medal of Merit, for training the CT National Guard in Cybersecurity, and receiving grants for supporting the military’s mission through project IRONCLAD - 2021
Best Paper Award, Forensic Artifact Finder (ForensicAF): An Approach & Tool for Leveraging Crowd-Sourced Curated Forensic Artifacts, ARES, WSD - 2021
European Alliance for Innovation Fellow - 2019
Nominated and accepted into CT Magazine 40 under 40 - 2018
Inducted into Upsilon Pi Epsilon, International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines - 2015
Best paper award for the paper: File Detection On Network Traffic Using Approximate Matching at the International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, New Haven, CT - 2014
UNewHaven Research Scholar (Includes course release + yearly research grant for three years) for the Artifact Genome Project - 2014
ICST Best paper award Defining a standard for reporting digital evidence items in computer forensic tools - 2010