
Umar Farooq

Umar Farooq

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

3209M Patrick F Taylor Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803


Educational Background

PhD in Computer Science, University of California, Riverside (2021)


Research Interests

Program Analysis, Compilers, Mobile systems, Software Engineering


Teaching Responsibilities

CSC 4101: Programming Languages


Selected Publications

M. H. Maqbool, Umar Farooq, Adib Mosharrof, A. B. Siddique, and Hassan Foroosh. "MobileRec: A Large Scale Dataset for Mobile Apps Recommendation." In Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '23) 2023.

Gai Liu, Umar Farooq, Chengyan Zhao, Xia Liu, and Nian Sun. "Linker code size optimization for native mobile applications." In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction, pp. 168-179. 2023.

Umar Farooq, A. B. Siddique, Fuad Jamour, Zhijia Zhao, and Vagelis Hristidis. "App-aware response synthesis for user reviews." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 699-708. 2020.

Umar Farooq, Zhijia Zhao, Manu Sridharan, and Iulian Neamtiu. "Livedroid: Identifying and preserving mobile app state in volatile runtime environments." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 4, no. OOPSLA (2020): 1-30. 2020.

Lin Jiang, Xiaofan Sun, Umar Farooq, and Zhijia Zhao. "Scalable processing of contemporary semi-structured data on commodity parallel processors-a compilation-based approach." In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'19), pp. 79-92. 2019.

Umar Farooq, and Zhijia Zhao. "Runtimedroid: Restarting-free runtime change handling for Android apps." In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'18), pp. 110-122. 2018.


Awards and Honors

Best Paper (runner-up) Award at MobiSys'18

ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights 2018

Dean’s Fellowship Award at UC Riverside (2017-18)