James Ghawaly
Assistant Professor
3209B Patrick F Taylor Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Educational Background
PhD Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2020
MSc Computer Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2020
BSc Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2017
Research Interests
Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, AI security, machine learning, neural network architecture, neuromorphic computing, nuclear proliferation detection
Teaching Responsibilities
CSC 2262: Numerical Methods
HNRS 3025/3035: Large Language Model (LLM) Development and Deployment for Real-World Applications
Selected Publications
Bandstra, M. S., Curtis, J. C., Ghawaly Jr, J. M., Jones, A. C., & Joshi, T. H. (2023). Explaining machine-learning models for gamma-ray detection and identification. Plos one, 18(6), e0286829.
Ghawaly, J., Young, A., Nicholson, A., Witherspoon, B., Prins, N., Swinney, M., ... & Patel, K. (2023, August). Performance Optimization Study of the Neuromorphic Radiation Anomaly Detector. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (pp. 1-7).
Ghawaly Jr, J. M., Nicholson, A. D., Archer, D. E., Willis, M. J., Garishvili, I., Longmire, B., ... & Cook, M. T. (2022). Characterization of the autoencoder radiation anomaly detection (arad) model. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 111, 104761.
Ghawaly, J., Young, A., Archer, D., Prins, N., Witherspoon, B., & Schuman, C. (2022, July). A neuromorphic algorithm for radiation anomaly detection. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2022 (pp. 1-6).
Biegalski, S. R., Tsvetkov, P. V., Tao, Y., Sobes, V., Pazdernik, K., Labov, S., ... & Williams, D. F. (2021, July). 2020 ETI Annual Summer School: Data Science and Engineering. In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.
Ghawaly, J. M., Nicholson, A. D., Peplow, D. E., Anderson-Cook, C. M., Myers, K. L., Archer, D. E., ... & Quiter, B. J. (2020). Data for training and testing radiation detection algorithms in an urban environment. Scientific data, 7(1), 1-6.