Golden Richard III
CCT Office: 1081A Digital Media Center (primary office)
CSE Office: 3272E Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225 578 2624
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Computer Science, The Ohio State University, 1994.
M.S. in Computer Science, The Ohio State University, 1991.
B.S. in Computer Science (honors), minor in Philosophy, University of New Orleans,
Research Interests
Digital forensics, memory forensics, reverse engineering, malware analysis, operating systems, vulnerability analysis, exploit development
Teaching Responsibilities
CSC 4103 Operating Systems
CSC 4360 Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
CSC 4362 Software Vulnerabilities and Exploitation
CSC 7360 Memory Forensics
Selected Publications
A. Ali-Gombe, S. Sudhakaran, A. Case, G. G. Richard III, "DroidScraper: A Tool for
Android In-Memory Object Recovery and Reconstruction," Proceedings of the 22nd International
Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2019), Beijing, China,
A. Case, M. Jalalzai, M Firoz-Ul-Amin, R. Maggio, A. Ali-Gombe, M. Sun, G. G. Richard
III, "HookTracer: A System for Automated and Accessible API Hooks Analysis," Proceedings
of the 2019 Digital Forensics Research Conference (DFRWS), July 2019, Portland, OR.
C. Weems, I. Ahmed, G. G. Richard III, J. Russell, E. Neil, "Susceptibility and Resilience
to Cyber Threat: Findings from a Scenario Decision Program to Measure Secure and Insecure
Computing Behavior," PLOS ONE, 2018.
N. Lewis, A. Case, A. Ali-Gombe, G. G. Richard III, "Memory Forensics and the Windows
Subsystem for Linux," Proceedings of the 2018 Digital Forensics Research Conference
(DFRWS), Best Student Paper Award, July 2018, Providence RI.
R. Bhatia, B. Saltaformaggio, S. J. Yang, A. Ali-Gombe, X. Zhang, D. Xu, G. G. Richard
III, "Tipped Off by Your Memory Allocator: Device-Wide User Activity Sequencing from
Android Memory Images," Proceedings of the 2018 Network and Distributed System Security
Symposium (NDSS 2018), February 2018, San Diego, CA.
A. Ali-Gombe, B. Saltaformaggio, R. Ramanujam, D. Xu, G. G. Richard III, "Towards
a More Dependable Hybrid Analysis of Android Malware Using Aspect-Oriented Programming,"
Computers and Security (COSE), vol. 73, March 2018.
Awards and Honors
"SFS: CyberCorps Scholarships for Service at 51Âþ»," National
Science Foundation, PI (with many collaborators from LSU Engineering and ISDS), 2020-2024,
"SaTC: CORE: Medium: Robust Memory Forensics Techniques for Userland Malware Analysis,"
National Science Foundation, PI (with A. Case of the Volatility Foundation), 2017-2020,
"Introducing Active Learning to Malware Analysis Curricula," National Security Agency,
PI (with A. Ali-Gombe of Towson University), 2018, $220,643.