
Brygg Ullmer

Brygg Ullmer

Adjunct Professor



Educational Background

Ph.D. in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002

M.S. in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997


Research Interests

Tangible Interfaces, Visualization, Computational Genomics, Rapid Physical and Electronic Prototyping


Selected Publications

O. Shaer, A. Mazalek, B. Ullmer, and M. Konkel. From big data to insights: opportunities and challenges for TEI in genomics, Proc. of TEI'13, 2013

B. Ullmer. Entangling Space, Form, Light, Time, Computational STEAM, and Cultural Artifacts. interactions, 2012

B. Ullmer, G. Ardaud, C. Dell, A. Reeser, N. Setty, R. Sankaran, C. Toole, C. Branton, and J. Allison. Employing and extending mass-market platforms as core tangibles. Proc. of TEI'12 WiP, 2012

J. Walker, M. Konkel, B. Ullmer, C. Monceaux, O. Ryder, R. Hubley, A. Smit, and M. Batzer. Orangutan Alu quiescence reveals possible source element: support for ancient backseat drivers. Mobile DNA, 2012

D. Locke, L. Hillier, W. Warren, et al. (including B. Ullmer, M. Konkel, and M. A. Batzer). Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes. Nature, 469:529-533, 2011. (cover article)

B. Ullmer, C. Dell, C. Gill, C. Toole, C. Wiley, Z. Dever, L. Rogge, R. Bradford, G. Riviere, R. Sankaran, K. Liu, C. Freeman, A. Wallace, M. DeLatin, C. Washington, A. Reeser, C. Branton, and R. Parker. Casier: Structures for composing tangibles and complementary interactors for use across diverse systems. In Proc. of Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI), 2011