Frequently Asked Questions - Current Students

LSU Student Advising

Transfer Student Advising


Scheduling Issues


General Education Requirements


Financial Aid/TOPS/Scholarships

Changing Majors/Minors


Independent Study/Correspondence

Cross-enrollment with Southern University and Baton Rouge Community College

Additional Resources


LSU Student Advising

    • Where is the College of Engineering ("COE") Student Services and what are the office hours?
      • Our offices are located in the William Brookshire Student Services Suite, Patrick F. Taylor Hall 2228. Our office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday.  Our office is closed on weekends and during University designated holidays.

    • When may I see a counselor?
      • As of February 2, 2015, students can see counselors by advance appointment (preferred), same-day appointment, or by walking in (Please note that walk-ins will be seen on a first come-first serve basis and according to time available between appointments ).  Use the online appointment scheduler on the website to make your appointment.  Please keep in mind, however, that many issues can be handled either by emailing a counselor or by contacting an administrative staff member during office hours by calling 225-578-5731.

    • Who can see a counselor?
        • COE counselors see any undergraduate LSU student already admitted to the College of Engineering, any undergraduate LSU student interested in an Engineering major, UCFY and UCAC students who are pre-Engineering, and potential undergraduate LSU transfer students or freshmen.  Prospective students should schedule a visit through College of Engineering Recruitment.  Requests for visits can be made on the LSU College of Engineering website

Transfer Student Advising

    • Who do we see?
      • COE counselors will meet with any undergraduate students planning to come to LSU, whether they have been admitted or not. Prospective students should try to schedule a meeting with the counselor that would be assigned to them upon enrollment at LSU. COE counselors are assigned to students by first letter of last name. Please keep in mind, without an evaluated transcript, it may be difficult for a counselor to make course recommendations or advise transfer students. 

    • How do courses transfer?
      • When students are admitted to LSU, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will send your courses to our academic departments to be evaluated for LSU equivalencies.  Any remaining evaluations may need to be addressed at Transfer Student Orientation.  We encourage students to submit all transcripts, course descriptions, and requested materials to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as possible for the most seamless transfer experience


    • What are requirements for entering COE?
      • For current LSU students, the COE requires 24 hours earned, a 2.00 cumulative and LSU GPA, and a “C” or better in MATH 1550. 

        For declared PETE majors, the COE requires 24 hours earned, a “C” or better in MATH 1550, and a 2.80 GPA in courses applied to the major.

        For transfer students, the COE requires 24 hours earned, a 2.50 cumulative GPA, and a “C” or better in MATH 1550.  PETE students will also be required to have a 2.8 GPA in all courses applied to the major. Transfer students who do not meet these senior college requirements, but are considered viable candidates for admission, may be admitted as a Pre-engineering student as LSU, within the Center for Advising & Counseling

    • What are requirements for LSU Admissions?
      • Students interested in applying to LSU, or reapplying to LSU, may view the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website for details on admissions requirements. Additional information may also be found in the LSU General Catalog.

    • How do I apply to the College of Engineering?
      • A program is run following each semester to automatically admit University College (UCFY, UCAC) students who are eligible (if you are in this group you will receive an email message).

        Students interested in changing from another senior college to Engineering may do so by meeting with a counselor during “open enrollment”.  “Open Enrollment” occurs after final grades post in a given semester until the last day to add classes in the next regular semester. 

        Those who are not currently enrolled should apply for admission via the Office of Undergraduate Admissions selecting the desired ENGR major when prompted.

Scheduling Issues

    • When is my priority scheduling period?
      • Your scheduling priority period is determined by the number of hours for which you have credit, or other special circumstances.  You can view scheduling priorities on the OUR webpage.

    • When is the last day to add/drop with or without a "W" or to resign?
      • Students should ALWAYS make note of these very important deadlines each semester by viewing the Academic Calendar, provided by the University Registrar

    • When is the last day to pay fees?
      • Students receive an email via their MyLSU when Fee Bills are published. You will be able to obtain your balance due, via MyLSU at that time. To obtain your balance via MyLSU, select “Fee Bill” under the Registration Services heading on your MyLSU desktop. The due date of remittance of fees will be printed at the bottom of your Fee Bill.

    • MyLSU says I need advising. What should I do?
      • Advising flags are placed on every COE student’s account prior to registration. The COE requires students to meet with a faculty advisor in their major department each semester prior to scheduling. You will receive an email from your department with instructions on advising, prior to the onset of each scheduling period. Please contact your department if you fail to receive instructions.  

    • MyLSU says I have a hold. What should I do?
      • You may determine which University office placed the hold on your account by accessing your MyLSU account and selecting the "Holds" link. If COE placed the hold, you must see a counselor in Student Services. COE holds can be placed if a graduation date has not been declared, if you are re-entering the University, if you are a first semester transfer student, if you have not completed graduation checkout, if you are on scholastic warning or probation, or if you are not following the engineering curriculum. If your hold was placed by a different unit on campus, please contact that office.

    • The course I need is full and someone recommended Waitlisting. What is Waitlisting and how do I join a Waitlist?
      • Students may join waitlists in order to wait for seats to open in a full section of a course. This function of registration does not guarantee students a seat in the course, but it does let students hold a spot in line should a seat become available. Students will use the Schedule Request link in their MyLSU desktop to join waitlists and will be automatically moved off of the lists and into courses as spaces become available. For important dates regarding waitlisting, please visit the Registration Calendar. More information can also be obtained by visiting the Office of the University Registrar website.

    • How many "Ws" (course withdrawals) do I have available to use?
      • It depends on the number of hours you have earned. The University has established three tiers and the number of W grades students may receive in each tier. Your placement is determined by the hours you have earned to date. Please see the W Grade Status Link under the MyLSU Registration Services Application.

    • My classes were purged/dropped. What can I do?
      • If this occurs BEFORE the last day to add courses in the term, classes may be re-added using MyLSU. Remember, counselors CANNOT add you into a full class. You must rebuild your schedule based on current course availability. If the purge occurs AFTER the last day to add, see your counselor in Student Services, as soon as possible, to request a late registration.

    • If I need to drop all of my classes for the semester, what should I do?
      • If you complete registration and decide by the last day to drop or to resign (drop all of your courses), you must meet with your counselor in Student Services to initiate the procedure to resign from the university.

    • I haven't met the prerequisite for a class. Can I take it anyway?
      • Students are expected to consult the current LSU General Catalog to ensure that they meet all prerequisites or core-requisites before they schedule courses. MyLSU interactively checks the prerequisites for a limited number of courses. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting prerequisites whether or not they are interactively checked. If you schedule a course and do not meet all prerequisites or core-requisites, your enrollment in that course may be canceled.


    • How do I know when my finals are being held?
    • I have 3 finals in a 24 hr period/2 finals at same time. What can I do?
      • Students having 3 or more finals in a 24 hour period or 2 finals at the same time may request permission to reschedule an exam by reporting to the Front Counter in Student Services by the deadline specified on the Final Exam Schedule.

    • My exam is being held at a time other than the schedule dictates. What can I do?
      • Instructors are not allowed to make changes in the final exam schedule without the permission of The Office of Academic Affairs. See the Front Counter in Student Services for further assistance.

General Education Requirements

    • How do I know what general education requirements are needed for my major?
      • General education requirements for engineering majors are included on your flowchart. Please view it on this website; be sure to choose your catalog year.

    • Where can I find courses that are considered general education courses?
      • An approved list of general education courses can be found in your LSU General Catalog of record. Students should always refer to the current catalog of record when selecting a General Education course.  Please use the most recent version of the LSU General Catalog for the most up-to-date requirements.


    • How do I declare or change my graduation date?
      • You may declare/change your graduation date on your MyLSU account through your second year. After your second year, contact your counselor by phone, email, or in person.

    • Where and when can I get information about graduation?
      • Commencement and Diploma Ceremony information can be found on the LSU website by visiting the Commencement Homepage . Also, students on the graduation list will receive graduation ceremony information via email during the semester they are scheduled to graduate. COE diploma ceremony information can be found under Events on the College of Engineering Commencement page.

Financial Aid/TOPS/Scholarships

    • I have questions about financial aid/TOPS/University scholarships. Where should I go?
    • I have questions about College of Engineering Scholarships. Where should I go?
      • Look in the "Students" portion of our website under the "Current Students" or the "Future Students" sections for specific College scholarship information.

Changing Majors/Minors

    • I'm already a COE major, and want to change to a different COE major. What should I do?
      • First, see Student Services to get a degree audit, flowchart, and form to bring to the faculty advisor in your desired department. Once the faculty member advises you, bring the signed form back to Student Services.

    • I'm not a COE major, but would like to change to a major in the COE. What should I do?
      • Students wishing to change colleges, must do so after final grades for the current semester are posted and before the last day to add courses in the next semester for which they enroll. During this time period, see your counselor. 

    • I'm a COE major, and would like to declare/drop a minor. Where do I go?
      • You should contact your counselor by email or see the Front Counter in Student Services. 


    • The deadline has passed for dropping classes/adding classes/resigning/canceling registration, but I need to do it anyway. What can I do?
      • You must meet with your counselor in Student Services.

    • I want to drop a class, but I don't have a "W" available. What can I do?
      • You must meet with your counselor in Student Services.

    • I have failed a class twice, and MyLSU tells me to see my Dean's Office. What can I do?
      • You must meet with your counselor in Student Services.

    • I have been scholastically dropped from the University. What can I do?
      • You must meet with your counselor in Student Services.

    • I have a medical issue that is affecting my academics. What can I do?
      • You must meet with your counselor in Student Services. If you believe you have an urgent medical issue/emergency and are unable to reach your counselor, please contact the LSU Student Health Center (link) or The Phone Crisis Intervention assistance at 225-924-3900; 1-800-437-0303 Toll Free.

Independent Study/Correspondence

    • What is the College's policy on taking courses through Independent Study?
      • LSU allows no more than six hours of credit earned through correspondence study may be applied to a student's general education requirement. Students not registered in campus courses may enroll in correspondence courses for degree credit; however, students who have been dropped from the University may not enroll in correspondence courses for degree credit. Students registered in the University may enroll in a maximum of 21 semester hours of combined correspondence and campus course work during a regular semester and a maximum of 12 hours during the summer. Only in exceptional cases will COE students be allowed to enroll in correspondence course work during the semester they plan to graduate.

    • Where do I get an application and where do I bring it?
      • Applications can be found on the . Once completed, the application is to be signed by your counselor and returned to the Independent and Distance Learning Office in Pleasant Hall.

Cross-enrollment with Southern University and Baton Rouge Community College

    • How do I register for cross enrollment courses?
      • See your counselor in Student Services.

    • Can I cross-enroll if I am graduating in the same semester?
      • Yes, but you should check the last day of classes at the cross enrolled school to ensure your final grade will be sent to LSU by the date senior grades are due. 

    • Can I cross-enroll in a class that I have failed at LSU?
      • No. Classes failed at LSU can only be repeated within the LSU System.

    • Can I cross-enroll in a class that is currently offered at LSU?
      • In most cases no. If a course is offered at LSU, you must take it at LSU. See your counselor for unique circumstances. 

Additional Resources

    • What is the "FE" and when can I take it?
      • The "FE" is the "Fundamentals of Engineering" examination and is part one of a two step process towards obtaining professional engineering licensure. Students can learn more about the FE under Current Students on the College of Engineering website. Step two involves further testing and examination, after several years of practice in your specified field of engineering.

    • What is the Distinguished Communicator Certification program?
      • Communication is an essential skill for everyone in all professions - including engineering. Through the LSU Distinguished Communicator Certification, students work to refine their communication skills and learn discipline-specific approaches to communication that will enable them to excel in their chosen profession.

        Candidates are required to build a digital portfolio, demonstrating proficiency in written, spoken, visual, and technological communication. They must also show successful use of their communication skills in leadership roles and community service. Upon successful completion of the program, these students possess the competitive skills and knowledge needed for 21st century leadership. This coveted designation becomes part of official transcripts and give the certified graduate significant leverage in today's job market.