
Cognitive Radio Laboratory

Mort Naraghi-Pour

Wireless and mobile communication networks, communication and information theory, signal processing, and security in wireless communication.

Lab Highlights

  • Research is supported by contracts from AFRL, and others.
  • Publications have appeared in tier-one IEEE conferences such as Globecom, Milcom, VTC, ICCCN, WCNC and journals such as IEEE Transaction on Vehicular technology, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Cognitive Radio Lab, led by Dr. Naraghi-Pour, focuses on wireless and mobile communication networks, Communication and Information Theory, signal processing, and security in wireless communication. Our recent research projects include spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, security in wireless sensor networks, geolocation in GPS-denied environments, and signal processing for synthetic aperture radar. The lab houses audio visual equipment, two universal software radio platforms (USRP) and a large number of Texas Instrument MSP430 Experimenter Boards and MSP430 Wireless Development Tools.