
Information Sensing, Learning and Security Laboratory

Dr. Shuangqing Wei

We conduct fundamental research in the areas of information processing, transmission, and security.

Room 369 ERAD Building 

Lab Highlights

  • Projects funded by NSF, AFRL, DOE, and LA BoR.
    Publications in Top-tier Journals and Conferences (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security etc.)
  • Collaborations with local IT company on SBIR projects.

In general, we are interested in understanding and revealing fundamental limits in information sensing, learning and security, and their applications to wireless communications and networks, and tele-heath.

For security problems, our recent research efforts have been focused on establishing a framework under which information theoretical approach and traditional crypto security methods could be coherently joined together to achieve more efficient and effective ways in protecting privacy and security.

For information sensing and learning, we are developing algorithms and theoretical bounds on learning of features in wireless networks. In addition, such learning algorithms are exploited to allow coexistence of heterogeneous networks distributively sharing a common pool of radio resources.

In order to solve our problems, we are seeking common threads in areas as diverse as information theory and communications theory, cryptography, statistical learning and information semantics. In the meantime, we are applying our developed theories and algorithms to both tele-health and first responder radio systems.