
Past MIE Partners


Cameron Capstone Design Project and Program continuous contributions and sponsorship during 2010-16.

2015-16 Cameron Project/Team #15: "Design Gasket Retention System in Subsea Collet Connector"
Cameron Mentor: Joe Gross.
Students: Ankeny, Brandon Joseph (ME); Favret, Jordan Alicia (ME); Sherwin, Richard Scott (ME).

2014-15 Cameron Project/Team #28: "Control of Fastener Tension and Preload"
Cameron Mentors: Joe Gross; Brandon Nowak.
Students: Cicardo, Cortland Ross (ME); O'Neill, Ian Anthony (ME); Sherwood, Derek Stanton (ME); Stewart, Virginia Frances (ME); Walton, Jack Alexander (ME).

2013-14 Cameron Project/Team #20: "Reduced Friction of Piston Rings in a Reciprocating Engine"
Cameron Mentor: John C. Bartos.
Students: Beach, Trevor William (ME); Bouanchaud, Stephen Bernard (ME); Coffin, Jonathan Taylor (ME); Living, Jarrod Sebastian (ME); Miller, Mason Montgomery (ME).

2012-13 Cameron Project/Team #23: "Challenges to Subsea Systems due to Marine Growth and Calcification"
Cameron Mentor: John C. Bartos.
Students: DeSanti Roger (BE); LeBlanc Zac (ME); Suliman Yousef (ME); Kissner Elizabeth (BE).

2011-12 Cameron Project/Team #19: "Gate-Valve Stem-Seal Field Replacement"
Cameron Mentors: John C. Bartos; Omar Kabir.
Students: Bowman, Kyle Evan (ME); Hinson, Aaron Connor (ME); Kelley, Dean Michael (ME).

2010-11 Cameron Project/Team #2: "Black Box Ejector for BOPs"
Cameron Mentors: Don Coonrod.
Students: Boudreaux, Jace (ME); Curson, Cory (EE); Cusimano, Josh (ME); Graves, Robert (EE); Johnson, Leonard (ME); McIlwain, Allan (ME); Morris, Taylor (ME); Okoro, Ifeanyi (ME), Yougoubare, Quentin (ME).

Cameron ME Teaching Assistants for ME Courses.

ME3603 - Instrumentation Lab; Spring 2010; Cameron Lab Section TA: Ho, Diane 


Baker-Hughes Baker-Hughes Scholarships for Mechanical Engineering Students:

2016-17 Baker-Hughes Scholar - Megilligan, Alissa (IE).
2015-16 Baker-Hughes Scholars - Baxter, Lauren; Darbonne, John; McPherson, Robert.
2014-15 Baker-Hughes Scholars - Burns, Lauren; Lutfallah, Stephanie; Megilligan, Alissa; Reddington, Victoria; Wheelock, Maxwell.
2011-12 Baker-Hughes Scholars - Primeaux, Phillip; Gonzalez, Carlos; Zhao, Yue "Kenny"; Stewart, Virginia.
2009-10 Baker-Hughes Scholar - Nguyen, Mike.
2008-09 Baker-Hughes Scholar - Okoro, Ifeanyi.



BPME Teaching Assistants for ME Courses.

ME4611 - Thermal Systems Lab; Spring 2012; BPLab Section TA: Dupree, James
ME4621 - Thermal Science Lab; Fall 2010; BPLab Section TA: Rao, Sai
ME4611 - Thermal Systems Lab; Spring 2010; BPLab Section TA: Dupree, James
ME4611 - Thermal Systems Lab; Spring 2010; BPLab Section TA: Brown, Christopher

BPBP Scholarships for Mechanical Engineering Students:

2011-12 BP Scholar - Meyer, Matthew



DuPont DuPont Scholarships for Mechanical Engineering Students:

2017-18 DuPont Scholars - Belanger, Michael; Eschete, Allen.
2015-16 DuPont Scholars - Childress, Abigail; Triay, Cameron.
2014-15 DuPont Scholars - Thevis, John II; Landaiche, Luke; Romero, Hugo; Sibley, Garrett; Emiko, George; Momodu, Aminat.
2008-09 DuPont Scholar - Beard, Elizabeth M.