
Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos


Alexis and Marguerite Voohries Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Holder of the Richard J. and Katherine J. Juneau Distinguished Professorship

Department Chair of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

3261E Patrick F. Taylor Hall

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Baton Rouge, LA 70803



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  • MIE Department Chair
  • Director of the LSU National Center for Advanced Manufacturing (NCAM)
  • Strategic Area Lead for Manufacturing and Materials in the College of Engineering

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Engineering, Brown University, 1986
  • Sc.M., Engineering, Brown University, 1982
  • Diploma (Sc.B.), Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Metsoveion National Technical University of Athens, 1980

Research Interests

Experimental and Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Transport, including Multiphase Flows and Multiscale Phenomena


Mobility of nano-sensor nano-particles through porous media realized through micro-fluidics (design, micromanufacturing, diagostics); experimental and multi-scale simulation - Current Funding: Advanced Energy Consortium.

Micro-/nano-fluidics (design, micromanufacturing, diagnostics and application) for bio-analytical applications; experimental and multi-scale simulation - Current Funding: NSF CBET; NIH P41.

Actively conrolled film-cooling flows for gas turbine applications; cascade and wind tunnel experimentation, reduced order modeling and numerical simulations - Current Funding: Internal; Most Recent Funding: AFoSR

Micro-scale multiphase flows; experimentation through microfluidic chips and numerical simulation - Current Funding: Internal; Most Recent Funding: NSF EPSCoR, NIH BRP

Teaching Responsibilities

Capstone Design Program and Course Sequence (ME4243, ME4202)

Selected Publications

In bold are students and research associates. Underlined are the faculty who directed the work.

“Electrophoretic Transport of Single DNA Nucleotides through Nanoslits: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study”, Kai Xia, Brian R. Novak, Kumuditha M. Weerakoon-Ratnayake, Steven A. Soper, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, and Dorel Moldovan, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015, 119, 11443−11458.

“Liquid–liquid segmented flows in polycarbonate microchannels with cross-sectional expansions”, Namwon Kim, Michael C. Murphy, Steven A. Soper, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, January 2014, 58, pp 83–96.

“Numerical Methodologies for Investigation of Moderate-Velocity Flow Using a Hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics – Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach”, Soon-Heum Ko,Nayong Kim, Shantenu Jha, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, and Dorel Moldovan, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, January 2014, 28(1), pp 245-253.

“Modeling of misalignment effects in microfluidic interconnects for modular bio-analytical chip applications&rdquo, Sudheer D. Rani, Taehyun Park, Byoung-Hee You, Steve A. Soper, Michael C. Murphy, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Electrophoresis, November 2013; 34(20-21), pp 2988-95.

“Influence of material transition and interfacial area changes on flow and concentration in electro-osmotic flows”, Sudheer D. Rani, Byoung-Hee You, Steve A. Soper, Michael C. Murphy, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 770, pp. 103-10.

“Distinguishing single DNA nucleotides based on their times of flight through nanoslits: a molecular dynamics simulation study”, Brian R. Novak, Dorel Moldovan, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Steven A. Soper, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117(12), pp. 3271-9.

“On steady and pulsed low-blowing-ratio transverse jets”, Guillaume Bidan, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2013, 714, pp. 393-433.

“Study of Unforced and Modulated Inclined Film-Cooling Jets Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition – Part II: Forced Jets”, Guillaume Bidan, Clementine Vezier, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery; 2013, 135, 021013 pp. 1-14.

“Study of Unforced and Modulated Inclined Film-Cooling Jets Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition – Part I: Unforced Jets”, Guillaume Bidan, Clementine Vezier, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery; 2013, 135, 021037 pp. 1-11.

“Parallel solution methods for Poisson-like equations in two-phase flows”, E. Walker, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Computers & Fluids ; 2013, 80, pp. 152-157.