Department Resources 


University Travel Regulations - PM-13


The contracted travel agency is mandatory for booking airfare unless exemptions have been granted prior to travel.  Request for an exemption must document that the traveler saved 10% and experienced a cost savings amounting to at least $100, not including the travel agency service fee.  To request an exemption for domestic airfare, an email must be sent to the person who has been delegated this authority on your campus along with the contracted travel agency and outside source proposed itineraries and complete costs.  Reservations for hotel/motel accommodations and rental vehicles are not required to be made through the contracted travel agency.  The contracted travel agency () has an on-line booking system which is strongly recommended for booking domestic airfare.  Use of the on-line booking system can drastically reduce the cost paid per transaction.

All travelers including students are to purchase commercial airline tickets through the contracted travel agency.  This requirement is mandatory unless prior approval is granted from the individual who has been delegated this authority on campus. While University guests and state contractors are not required to use the state's contracted travel agency when purchasing airfare, it is the department's responsibility to purchase the lowest, most logical airfare.

Use FindIt to book your flight.

Vehicle Use Procedures

No person may be authorized to operate a University-owned vehicle unless that person is an employee of the University; or has received specific written approval from the Department Head or his/her designee to operate a University-owned vehicle on official University business. Prior to driving a University-owned vehicle, a person must become a University Authorized Driver. The Driver Authorization process and required form can be found on the University Office of Risk Management website. The LSU Office of Risk Management  is responsible for vehicle use administration for LSU A&M including:

  • Vehicle Use Policy (how vehicles can be used and who can drive them)
  • Driver Authorization (driver record reviews and approval/denial process)
  • Driver Training (requirements and training module)
  • Vehicle Accident Management (administration of vehicle incidents/claims)
  • “Vehicles” includes all automobile types, trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, and slow moving vehicles (the below guidelines, however, only apply to vehicles registered for road use).


The Spend Authorization must be completed and routed for approval prior to travel by university employees including graduate and undergraduate student workers. Instructions are on the Workday Employee webpage.  Spend Authorizations are returned if you do not follow the instructions.  You are not covered by LSU insurance if your Spend Authorization is not approved by your supervisor before your travel.  

An AS292-a: Employee Spend Authorization Attachment is only required for the following 3 reasons:

  • Personal Travel
  • Foreign Travel
  • Travel Greater than 30 days

State Contract Rates for meals and lodging are listed in the Travel Orientation Brochure. For in-state travel, is the state Contract vendor and use is mandatory. For out-of-state travel, Enterprise, Hertz and National are the state contract vendors and use is mandatory. It is at the traveler's discretion which rental company is utilized. Please refer to the Travel website for in-state and out-of-state contract rates and the corporate discount numbers. The corporate discount number must be used to obtain the contract rates and get LSU insurance.  University guests are not required to use a state contract car rental vendor, but are encouraged to do so since the contract includes CDW and liability insurance.

Expense Reports should be created per business trip and reflect all travel expenses regardless if personal funds or LaCarte card was used.  You must link your Spend Authorization to the Expense Report.  Your Spend Authorization will only show in the drop down box if it has been approved by Travel.  If the Spend Authorization is not available you will have to correct any problems before you can complete your Expense Report. Instructions on how to correctly fill out the Expense Report is available on the Workday Employee webpage.   

 Workday no longer requires that lodging be itemized unless:

  • Expense needs to be charged to multiple accounts.
  • Lodging cost include other expenses (i.e. internet, Parking or Room Service, etc)
  • Portion of the expense is considered personal. See Disallowed Expenses Job Aid for more information.

 Please visit the Travel website for BR Airport Parking Certificate, New Orleans Airport Park n'Fly booking, and High Risk Travel.

Travel Advances may be allowed for:

  • Graduate student employees on business travel for the University. Any advance request for graduate students greater than $5,000 must include the faculty members that will be held fiscally responsible in the event the student does not return to the University, provide receipts, or return the funds.
  • Employees who accompany and/or are responsible for students on group or client travel.
  • Employees traveling to remote destinations in foreign countries.

Student Accident and Travel Insurance


- sign up for Foundation reimbursement