
Customer Service | LSU Facility Services

Customer Service Center

Name Title Phone Email

Jace Owens




Mecala Robinson

Administrative Coordinator 4



LaQuisha Fields

Administrative Coordinator 3



Tracy Jackson

Administrative Coordinator 3



Jacqueline Moore

Facility Coordinator




Customer Service Center is the hub for all campus facility needs and facility emergencies.  Our cordial and trained staff serves as your initial contact to dispatch and/or assign your facility requests to the appropriate craft personnel.  Our daily functions are to insure that your work is processed efficiently and accurately in our CMMS work order management system to insure that your requests are properly assigned, complete with the relevant work description, location, craft assignment and customer contact and billing information.

All service requests should be made through Customer Service Center.

Customer Service Center can be reached

  • preferably through FAMIS – Maintenance Management System
  • at 225-578-3186
  • by email facilityservices@lsu.edu
  • by fax: 225-578-5597

Please be prepared to provide to the following information

  • Your contact information (LSU ID, phone number etc)
  • Provide a detailed description of service required
  • Valid LSU account number/charge code 

Construction  Services, utilizing in-house crafts and outside contractors, provides the University with renovation services ranging from small individual room or office renovations to mid-size to large department, classroom, lab and other various renovations as requested following the policies as stated in PM-60 and PS-84.  Services include:

  • Renovation & Design Assistance
  • Estimating & Planning
  • Material and Contract Purchasing
  • Project Management
  • Project Scheduling
  • Construction Coordination & Inspection
  • Project Closeout and Occupancy

If you have questions on an estimate or would like to talk to someone about an estimate, please contact the customer service center at 578-3186 or facilityservices@lsu