
Lori L. Martin | LSU African & African American Studies

martin Lori Latrice Martin

Associate Professor - Sociology

106B Stubbs hall




Bachelor’s Degree: B.A., Fordham University

Master’s Degree: B.S., University at Buffalo, State University of New York

PhD: University at Albany, State University of New York

Areas of Interest

Race and Ethnicity; Demography; Black Ethnicity; Wealth Inequality and Asset Poverty; Race and Sports; School-to-Prison Pipeline; Race and Education

Selected Publications


Martin, L.L, Horton, H.H., & Booker, T. (2015). Lessons from the black working class: Foreshadowing America’s economic health. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers. Expected October 2015.

Fasching-Varner, K., Hartlep, N., Martin, L.L., Hayes, C., Mitchell, R, & Allen-Mitchell, C.  (Eds.) (2015).  The assaults on communities of color:  Exploring realities of race-based violence.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Martin, L.L  (2015).  Big box schools: Race, education, and the danger of the Wal-Martization of public schools in America.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 

Martin, L.L. (2015).  White sports/Black sports: Racial disparities in athletic programs. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers.

Fasching-Varner, K., Albert, K., Rema R., & Martin,L.L. (Eds.)  (2014).  Trayvon Martin, race, and American justice: Writing wrong. Rotterdam, NE: Senses Publishers. 

Martin, L.L (Ed.) (2014). Out of bounds: Racism and the black athlete. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers. 

Martin, L.L. (2013). Black asset poverty and the enduring racial divide.  Boulder, CO: First Forum Press, a Division of Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Referred Journals & Book Chapters

Martin, L.L, Horton, H.D, & Booker, T.A.  (2015).  Race, class, and nativity: A multilevel analysis of the forgotten working-class, 1980-2009. In E. Wright II and E. Wallace (Eds.), Black sociology: Contemporary issues and future directions. (141-158). Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Martin, L.L. (2015).  Low-wage workers and the myth of post-racialism.  Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law, 16, 47-62.   

Fasching-Varner, K., Mitchell, R., Martin, L.L, & Benton-Haron, K. (2014). Beyond school-to-prison pipeline and toward an educational and penal realism. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(4), 410-429. 

Martin, L.L., Fasching-Varner, K., Quinn, M., & Jackson, M. (2014).  Racism, rodeos, and the misery industries of Louisiana. Journal of Pan African Studies,  7(6), 60-83.

Martin, L.L.  (2011). Debt to society:  Asset poverty and prisoner reentry. The Review of Black Political Economy, 38(2), 131-143.

Martin, L.L. (2011). The battle over the ex-slave’s fortune:  The story of Cynthia Hesdra. Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, 35(1),  111-131.

Martin, L.L.  (2010). Non-married women and black ethnicity:  An analysis of the likelihood of homeownership.  Western Journal of Black Studies,  34(3), 325-336.

Martin, L.L. (2010). Strategic assimilation or creation of symbolic blackness:  Middle-class blacks in suburban contexts. Journal of African American Studies, 14(2), pp. 234-246. 

Martin, L.L. (2009). Black asset owners: Does ethnicity matter? Social Science Research, 38, 312-323.

Martin, L.L. (2008). Cashing in on the American dream. Housing, Theory, and Society,   25(4), 254-274.

Current Research

Dr. Martin is working on a book about the school-to-prison pipeline and a book examining the militarization, occupation, and segregation of communities of color ten years after Hurricane Katrina. 


2013   Manship Summer Research Grant

2013  Teaching Enhancement Fund

2014   Happy Award, LSU Center for Engagement, Learning and Leadership